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Unit 1 College—A New Experience
Unit 2 Rock and Roll
Unit 3 Why Nations Trade
Unit 4 The First Four Minutes
Unit 5 Community Service
Unit 6 Working Hard or Hardly Working?
Unit 7 The Brain
Unit 8 Getting to the Airport
Unit 9 What’s New
Unit 10 Surveys, Surveys and More Surveys

Unit 1  College—A New Experience
I. Check the students’ homework
II. Topic discussion: Your ideal life in the university
Section I  Talking Face to Face
I. Leading in games
Give the students the samples of business cards. Let them guess what information should be involved in it.
II. Useful sentence structure
Meeting people for the first time or haven’t seen each other for a long time.
1)Hello, nice to meet you!
2)This is my business card.
3)Nice to meet you!
4)Long time no see.
5)It’s a small world!

Unit 1  College—A New Experience
III. Read text on book
V. In use
1. Choose proper expressions according to the clues
Same old thing!
It’s a small world.
Would you care for a drink?
2. More expressions
The pleasure is mine.
Please call me or email me if you need help.
What brings you here?
How are things going in your company?
What a nice surprise?
Section III: Maintaining a sharp eye
Passage I: The Way Americans Greet
I. Leading in exercise
1. Passage dictation
A common English name is usually composed of two or three parts: the first name is also called forename. If the person is a Christian, his first name will be given at his baptism, so it is also called the given name or the Christian name. Middle name is the second given name. When written, middle name is often shortened to the initial letter. Surname is often the father’s family name, so it is also called family name or last name.
2. Answer the following questions after your reading
What does an informal greeting really mean to Americans?
Why don’t most Americans like using titles in introductions?
What do your American friends want to show when they address you with your first name?
Why do Americans ask you some personal questions?

Unit 2  Rock and Roll
III. Read text on book
V. In use
1. Choose proper expressions according to the clues
We wish you a quick recovery!
I’m looking forward to our continued cooperation in the future.
How are you felling now?
You are always so thoughtful.
2. More expressions
You’ve been most helpful whenever I’m in trouble.
I’ve got the good news that you were named Outstanding Manager.
I have visited one of your branches and I was very much impressed.
Why not take a bunch of flowers with you?
Section III: Maintaining a sharp eye
Passage I Different Attitudes to Gift Giving
I. Leading in exercise
1. Passage dictation
Customs about Gifts and Gift-giving and Receiving
If you receive a birth announcement from your friend or co-workers, this doesn’t mean that you have to send a gift. It is not compulsory. If you wish to, you may give one. The best gift for babies is baby blankets, clothes or toys.
For a “Bon Voyage”(送别) gift, it is better to send your present in advance and not at the last minute. For most foreigners, flowers and things like magazines, cosmetics and drinks are preferable. Fruit is not a good idea. Nowadays, many people have quit smoking, so perhaps it’s better not to send cigarettes.
For a close friend you may give something lasting and of high quality, such as a set of books or a wallet (with a dollar bill in it). If it is for a high school graduate, a dictionary or a pen set will do.
If you are a frequent weekend guest of a certain family, you may give some small gifts to their children. Things like jigsaw puzzles, a game, a book, candy and chocolate are proper for such occasions
2. Answer the following questions after your reading
What kind of gift is usually given in Japan to a person who is leaving or has been helpful?
What kind of gifts do American people prefer to receive?
What is a different between Americans and Japanese in the attitudes towards gift giving?

  • 《英语Book One》 unit1-10教案
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