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日期: 2010-4-9 21:09:53 浏览: 13 来源: 学海网收集整理 作者: 佚名

摘要:介绍被动式热释电红外线传感信号处理器 B ISS0001的结构和工作原理 ,以及利用 B ISS0001并配以热释电红外传感器和少量外接元器件构成被动式的热释电红外开关.本设计利用此开关控制一台微型水泵来实现液体的自动供给.经实际使用证明 ,B ISS0001本身不发射出任何类型的辐射 ,器件功耗很小 ,价格低廉.
   关键词:B ISS0001;红外线;液体供给
   Abstract: The configurati on and working p rinci p le of the pyroelectric infrared signal p rocess or BISS0001 are presented . A passive pyroelectric infrared s witch is constructed with BISS0001, pyroelectric infrared sens or and a few external elements . Using this s witch, a mini pump iswell controlled and the task of aut omatic liquid supp ly is comp leted . BISS0001 is p roved t o be cheap, dependable without any radiation .
   Keywords:B ISS0001; infraredray; liquid supply
