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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计制造及自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehi
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:1.43MB
  • 上传时间:2011-3-19 23:20:38
  • 下载次数:1
  • 浏览次数:99

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

【摘要】设计反映着它所处的时代,代表时代的信息和社会发展的精神。由于计算机技术的普及和网络的发展,我们进入一个信息科技时代 。虚拟现实技术是利用计算机技术建立一种逼真的虚拟环境,在这个环境中,人们的视觉、听觉和触觉等的感受象是在真实的环境中一样,即有“身临其境”的感觉,人们可以沉浸在这个环境中与环境进行实时交互。
【关键词】虚拟现实; 虚拟设计; 虚拟产品
Using Of the Virtual Reality Technology in Product Design
【Abstract】The design was reflecting of the time when it locates, represents the information of the time and the development spirit of the social. As a result of the popularization of the computer technology and the development of the network, we enter an information science and technology time. The virtual reality technology is to establish a kind of hypothesized environment using the computer technology, in this environment, people's vision, the sense of hearing and the sense of touch and so on are likely to the real environment, namely has the feeling of “experiences personally”, people can immerse in this environment and carry on real-time with the environment alternately.
The article explores the application of the virtual reality technology in the product development through the example. Firstly, it introduces the concept and development of the virtual reality, the application domain and so on. Secondly, it systematically elaborates the process of the virtual reality technology in the product development, analyze and solve the key question which could appear in this design. Finally demonstrate the hypothesized demonstration technology of the product by establishing a notebook computer model, and establish a reduction gear model to demonstrate the hypothesized assemble technology of the product. At the end of the article, it proposes the fault of the virtual reality technology in the product development, and expects the direction of this technical development.
【Keywords】Virtual Reality; Virtual Design; Virtual Product
目 录
1 引言………………………………….1
1.1 选题背景……………1
1.2 虚拟现实简介………2
1.3 目的和意义…………4
1.4 发展现状……………4
1.5 应用领域……………5
2 方案论证……………………………….6
2.1 系统需求分析………6
2.2 系统的一般实现过程8
2.3 系统的总体目标和结构………………………9
2.4 运行环境和开发工具的选择…………………11
2.5 关键问题的解决方法12
3 过程论述—基于cult3d的产品虚拟展示技术.……….18
3.1 模型的建立和输出…18
3.2 模型在3dmax中的调整………………20
3.3 交互事件的添加……24
3.4 虚拟文件的发布……35
4过程论述—基于 Cult3D 的虚拟拆装技术…………35
4.1 减速器模型的建立与转换………………36
4.2 pro/E与3dmax的接口……………………42
4.3 系统实现……………43
5 结束语…………………………46
  • 毕业论文-虚拟现实技术在产品设计中的应用
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