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毕业设计-汽车淋雨试验装置设计,共26页,10556字,附有任务书、开题报告、ansys仿真、solid works三维设计图纸。
轻型汽车淋雨试验间 最大总质量≤3500kg
电源 380V/50HZ;220V/50HZ
场地要求 14m*5.5m(长*宽)
设备名称 需求数量及技术规格
一套;尺寸:13m*(内尺寸 4m)*4.3m(长*宽*高);
1. 钢结构框架,顶部为倒“V”型斜顶结构;
2. 彩涂夹心板外墙,房顶面\内墙面采用0.8mm厚202#不锈钢板,
3. 内外墙中间有50mm厚的保温层(保温材料为聚安发泡胶板);
4. 混泥土地面,表面应安装钢板格栅回水槽;
5. 长度方向单侧开门;电动卷闸门,门洞尺寸为2.8m*3m(宽*高)
6. 淋雨间内有暖风吹水设备,流量≥40m3/h,加热总功率≥30kw。热风管路为5方位(前、后、顶、左、右)立体布局,布局应合理,出风口风速≥9米/秒管路大小应与风流量匹配。
蓄水/回水池 一套;外形尺寸:3m*3m*1.5m(长*宽*高);位于淋雨房中央,混泥土地坑3m*2m*1.5m(长*宽*高);水池应有过滤装置并便于清理。
水泵总成 一套;单级单吸离心清水泵,当流量Q≥40m3/h,水泵供水喷淋头出水压力大于150kp
电机总成 一套;3相异步电机,额定功率应与水泵匹配。
管路排空器及储水器 一套;规格位容积≥1m3,带压力显示。
喷淋设备总成 一套;喷淋设备总体布置应符合QC/T476-2007标准要求,取消底部与喷淋管路。喷淋方向有上、左、右、前、后四面。
电器控制柜等: 一套;包括电机控制,出水压力控制,防错及漏电保护等。
系统管路总成 一套;应与整个供水系统匹配   
格栅 一套;钢板平行网格栅,基材厚度≥5mm;网格间距≤30mm;布置在淋雨房出口,规格为4m*3m(长*宽)
吹风方向 吹风结构采用风幕机做左右摇摆吹风, 吹风为5方位(前、后、顶、左、右)立体布局,布局应合理,出风口风速≥9米/秒

汽车淋雨试验是一种人工环境实验方法,它用于测试汽车的防雨密封性能,模拟汽车在使用条件下碰到自然降雨或滴水环境因素后的影响。淋雨试验方法的研究和应用已有多年历史。早在70年代法国航空标准、美国军用标准和英国军用标准中均正式规定了有关人工淋雨、暴雨和防滴水方面的条款。我国也于1990年做出规定:GB/T 12480-90 客车防雨密封性试验方法。防水试验机主要是测试产品在淋雨的气候环境下的贮存,运输和使用时的性能试验,主要用于对电工电子产品,灯具,电柜,电器元件,汽车,摩托车及其零部件等产品在模拟淋雨的气候条件下,对产品的物理以及其它相关性能进行测试,测试后,通过检定来判断产品的性能是否能够达到要求,以便供产品的设计,改进,检定及出厂检验使用。
Automobile rain test is an artificial environment experiment method, it used to rain test vehicle sealing performance,effects of simulated car hit the natural rainfall or water environmental factors in the conditions of use of the. Rain testresearch and application has been for many years. In the early 70's the French aviation standard, USA military standards and military standards were officially established artificial rain, rain and drip proof terms. China hasstipulated in 1990: the GB/T 12480-90 bus rain proof performance test method. Waterproof test machine is mainly to test products in the climate, storage, transportation and use of the performance test, mainly used for electrical and electronic products, lamps, electrical cabinets, electrical components, automobile, motorcycle and parts products such as climate conditions in the simulated rain, testing, physical and other related to the product the performancetest, the test to determine whether the product performance to meet the requirements, design improvement, in order to supply products, test and inspection service.
Enclosure material waterproof testing machine using high-quality A3 steel plate processing of CNC machine tools,beautiful appearance, this is the shell material is currently the most popular, one of the material is one of the most popular, the material of high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, aging resistance, smooth and easy to clean, so the shell material has become a trend, already many test cases have gradually the use of this material. In fact, test cases are generally need to move, so the rain test box at the bottom of the use of high quality can be fixed PU movable wheel, the pulley is different from general pulley, the pulley with the passage of time, not only will notwear, will become very smooth, easy to move. Water spraying device waterproof testing machine with 270 degree and 360 degree rotating rod pipe spraying device, the effect of this will make each position test box can be water spray tothe test, in order to achieve the best effect.
目录: 3
一,淋雨装置的介绍 3
1.1淋雨装置的意义 3
1.2淋雨装置的组成 4
1.3淋雨装置的工作原理 5
二,设计方法 6
2.1淋雨装置的设计思路 6
2.2水泵的选用及其设计 6
2.3液压元件的选用及计算 8
2.3.1管道的选择 8
2.3.2阀门的选择 9
2.3.3喷头的选择 12
三,设计方案有限元验证 15
3.1有限元介绍 15
3.2有限元分析过程 16
四,总结 20
六,参考文献 22

  • 毕业设计-汽车淋雨试验装置设计
    • B18汽车淋雨试验装置设计
      • 3d
        • beng
          • 阀门
            • sldasm2.SLDASM  [4.22MB]
          • sldprt40L-dim.sldprt  [16.35MB]
        • sldprt喷头.sldprt  [299.50KB]
        • sldasm汽车淋雨装置.SLDASM  [10.68MB]
        • sldprt零件2.SLDPRT  [200.50KB]
      • 仿真
        • wbpz2.wbpz  [21.36MB]
        • sldprtfz.SLDPRT  [187.00KB]
        • JPEG图形文件参数.jpg  [62.31KB]
        • JPEG图形文件喷头1.jpg  [408.36KB]
        • JPEG图形文件水流.jpg  [275.30KB]
        • JPEG图形文件水流2.jpg  [490.18KB]
        • JPEG图形文件网格.jpg  [710.04KB]
        • JPEG图形文件网格参数.jpg  [106.12KB]
        • JPEG图形文件边界.jpg  [436.92KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档任务书(陆志栋).doc  [64.50KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档约稿.doc  [76.61KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档论文.doc  [2.57MB]
      • Microsoft Word文档陆志栋开题报告 最终版本.doc  [60.50KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档陆志栋论文第一章.doc  [41.50KB]
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