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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械电子工程
  • 适用年级:研究生
  • 上传用户:彼岸花开zz
  • 文件格式:pdf
  • 文件大小:3.61MB
  • 上传时间:2013/10/9 13:51:50
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安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

硕士学位论文 顶板离层监测系统设计,说明书共65页,29696字。
摘 要
本文分析了传统的带式输送机拉紧装置的工作方式、结构原理、优缺点。基于拉紧装置的设计要点、设计原则、安装位置,通过方案论证,设计了包括液压系统,电气控制系统和机械系统在内的机电液控制拉紧方案。本方案较好地解决了以往拉紧装置不能实现张力连续控制等弊病,使张力能够及时适应外负载变化,延长了输送带的使用寿命,提高了工作效率。对液压系统和机械系统的主要零部件进行了选型和设计。电气控制中采用PLC 控制方式,设计了PLC 控制方案,采用S7-PLCSIM 对编写的控制程序进行了模拟仿真,为拉紧装置的实际应用奠定了基础。
使用MATLAB 的Simulink 仿真软件对带式输送机拉紧装置进行仿真,验证了系统的可行性。该拉紧装置能在停机到起动工况,再由起动工况到稳定工况时,用较短的时间使输送带的张力值从起动值降到正常值,还可以在较短的时间内完成紧带与松带的过程,在输送机起起动到稳定的过程中,保证输送带受到的由冲击引起的振动较小,达到了较好的控制效果。
关 键 词:带式输送机;拉紧装置;PLC 控制;数学模型;仿真

With the developing of belt conveyor, to the high-speed, long distance, large capacity
and high-power, the dynamic characteristics of belt conveyor systems have become
increasingly prominent and can not be ignored, and take-up system is an important and
indispensable component, which is directly related to the safe operation and belt’s life.
Therefore, to study the characteristics of take-up system of belt conveyor is very important for
large capacity and long distance belt conveyor to run normally, and it is necessary to exploit a
new style belt conveyor take-up system.
This paper analyzes some traditional take-up system of belt conveyor, like work mode,
structure principle, advantages and disadvantages. Base on the design highlights, design
principles, and installation location of take-up system, through scheme argumentation the
paper design a control-take-up system, which include the hydraulic system, the electrical
control system and mechanical system. This paper better solves the formerly take-up system’s
drawbacks, which it can not be achieved in tension control continuously and so on. The new
take-up system comes to a better tension control effect under external load, prolongs service
life of belt conveyor, and improving work efficiency. The paper also includes selection and
design for some main parts of hydraulic system and mechanical system. In the electrical
control system, I chose the PLC control program to design the control scheme, and uses the
S7-PLCSIM to simulate the control program. It laid the foundation for practical application of
tensioning device.
Traditional static analysis method is based on static or uniform state to analyze the force
of the belt conveyor system, leading that the dynamic nature of tensioning device to the whole
system has been neglected. Therefore, this paper takes this dynamic analysis method. Against
the physics model of the take-up system, this paper uses the method which analyzes the whole
model, and blocks models, then unified the models, to get and analyze the system model.
It uses Simulink of MATLAB to simulate the take-up system, validating that the system
is feasible. In the time from stop to start, then to run smoothly, the take-up system can drop
the belt’s strain from the start date to normal in a short time, it also can finish the process of
belt’s take-up and release in a short time. During the conveyor’s process from start to normal,
the take-up system ensure that the belt is suffered the fewer vibration which coursed by
impulsion, achieving a good control effect.
Keywords:Belt conveyor Take-up system PLC control Mathematic model Simulation
  • 硕士学位论文-带式输送机拉紧装置控制系统的研究
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