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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计制造及其自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehai
  • 文件格式:word+autocad+solid works
  • 文件大小:13.94MB
  • 上传时间:2015-10-11 23:01:04
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毕业设计-玉米脱粒机的设计,共25页,19917字,附有开题报告、任务书、autocad设计图纸、solid works三维设计图纸。


前 言
关键词: 农业,玉米,脱粒机,粮食,发展
China is a large agricultural country, agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. The party and government attach great importance to the problem of countryside, agriculture and farmers. Sixteen National Congress of the CPC put forward, urban and rural economic and social development, build modern agriculture,develop the rural economy, increasing the income of farmers, is the major task of building a well-off society. The construction of modern agriculture, promote agricultural industrialization and modernization, improving the competitiveness of agricultural products, increase the income of farmers, to speed up the development of agricultural mechanization. This is an important measure to solve the agricultural work efficiency is low, the economic benefit is not high, but also reduce the differences between town and country, the important condition to improve the overall level of agriculture and rural areas.
Corn is one of the three major grain crops in China, but also an important feed and industrial raw materials. Our annual planting area of 367000000 mu, at present our country has formed three major maize production area. One is the North maize region, including Jilin, Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Hebei and other provinces and cities, the sown areaaccounted for 40%; two is the Huang Huai plain spring corn region, including Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu and other provinces and cities, the planting area of 25%; three is the corn region in Southwest Hilly, including the Yunnan Guizhou Province, accounting for about 15% of the sown area. The three major corn producing areas of plantingarea accounts for more than 80%. We will vigorously develop grain production mechanization, improve labor productivity and improve the grain yield, grain quality, saving the cost of production, is an important way to increasethe income of farmers in major grain producing areas. Design and research of corn thresher, the development of the corn production mechanization, to stabilize and improve grain production capacity in China, reduce farmer burden,improve agricultural productivity, improve the agricultural income, has the vital significance.
First, to solve the problem of food supply. China has a population of 1300000000, annual net increase of about 10000000 population, cultivated land is decreasing year by year, the food supply situation is very austere. Foreign had predicted, twenty-first Century Chinese food to self-sufficiency, and even the "who will feed Chinese" argument,then that the China threat. In order to make these predictions of bankruptcy, but also solve the actual food demand of China's huge population, solving the problem of food security in China, our country adopted can expand the planting area of maize and maize yield a number of measures such as. Among them, increasing the yield per unit area on the selection of high-yield varieties, compact type maize cropping pattern, coverage, transplanting,harvesting machinery and other measures. The food problem in China in the long run, is not only the issue of rations, and feed problem, which is the main problem of maize. With the improvement of people's living standard,food culture improve, per capita food down, need more feed, and feed corn crop is preferred. The maize areacontinues to expand, improve yields, the objective demand of the development of corn production mechanization.
Second, to increase the yield of maize demand. China's total corn production ranks second in the world, but the yieldis lower than 56% America, ranking twenty-eighth in the world, great yield potential. The grain yield, bring the increase of farmers' income, will promote the development of the corn production mechanization. Corn harvest as the main links of maize production, and corn production mechanization impassable.
Third, the development of the corn production mechanization is inevitable in agricultural production, and the objective requirement of the development of agricultural mechanization. To solve the problem of corn productionmechanization is the urgent demand of farmers, agricultural production is urgently needed, corn production mechanization is low, especially the harvest mechanization level is very low, has become a bottleneck restricting the development of agricultural mechanization. At present, the degree of mechanization harvest harvest is very low,basically rely on artificial completed, large labor intensity, low efficiency, "San Qiu" very long time delay, some area(the area of two crops a year) affect the timely wheat. Therefore, to improve the level of maize harvest mechanizationhas become a pressing matter of the moment.
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1我国现有国情 2
1.2玉米在农业中的重要地位 2
2 脱粒机的现有结构 2
2.1齿轮式 2
2.2皮带式 2
2.5家用脱粒机的特点 2
2.6异常现象的分析及处理方法 。
3 脱粒机的设计思路 3
3.2可行性 。
3.4设计计算 3
总 结 4
致 谢 4
参考文献 4
  • 毕业设计-小型家用玉米脱粒机的设计
    • 玉米脱粒
      • 毕业设计—玉米脱粒机的设计—4.15前要
        • Microsoft Word文档任务书.doc  [37.00KB]
        • Microsoft Word文档学校要求 - 毕业设计写作模及板格式要求.doc  [774.00KB]
        • Microsoft Word文档开题报告.doc  [50.00KB]
        • Microsoft Word文档约稿单.doc  [37.00KB]
      • sldprtdouble row angular contact ball bearings gb.SLDPRT  [1.17MB]
      • Microsoft Word文档lunwen.doc  [423.00KB]
      • sldprtzhijia3.SLDPRT  [190.50KB]
      • sldprt支架 - 副本.SLDPRT  [346.00KB]
      • sldprt支架.SLDPRT  [418.00KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件支架1.DWG  [104.83KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件支架2.DWG  [98.90KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件支架3.DWG  [76.19KB]
      • sldprt机架.SLDPRT  [3.89MB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件滚筒.DWG  [113.05KB]
      • sldprt滚筒.SLDPRT  [471.00KB]
      • sldprt玉米.SLDPRT  [139.00KB]
      • sldprt电动机.SLDPRT  [1.33MB]
      • sldprt皮带.SLDPRT  [157.00KB]
      • sldprt皮带轮1 - 副本.SLDPRT  [251.50KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件皮带轮1.DWG  [82.61KB]
      • sldprt皮带轮1.SLDPRT  [245.50KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件皮带轮2.DWG  [84.11KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件箱体.DWG  [1.20MB]
      • JPEG图形文件脱粒机2-2.jpg  [445.15KB]
      • sldprt自动皮带.SLDPRT  [167.00KB]
      • sldprt自动轴.SLDPRT  [208.00KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件装配体1.DWG  [4.52MB]
      • sldasm装配体1.SLDASM  [3.18MB]
      • step装配体1.STEP  [18.32MB]
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