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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计制造及其自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehai
  • 文件格式:word+avi+autocad+solidworks
  • 文件大小:14.66MB
  • 上传时间:2015-10-6 2:16:57
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安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

如今,现代建筑的空调系统必须要符合很高的要求。传统的空调系统如通风设备和静态供热很难同时达到最佳热的舒适性、最省的空间和节能的要求 毛细管是这个领域的一项新技术,它可以根据周围环境自动调整。用水做热媒的毛细管使用的是弹性塑料,直接铺在房间围护结构表面的下方。这样房间的天花板、地板和墙壁就会变得非常的温暖舒适。这样,使用者和房间表面之间的能量传递就通过辐射的方式进行。辐射是在自然条件下调整各物体间的热平衡。 研究已经证明,因为这个原因,毛细管网制冷、采暖系统可使人们感觉更舒适,从而具有更高的工作效率。
采用4.3X0.8 mm 的PPR塑料毛细管组成的间隔为10 mm – 30 mm 的网栅,犹如人体中的毛细管,起到着分配、输送和搜集液体的功能。在网栅中和人体毛细管中的液体流动速度基本相同,都在0.05 – 0.2 m/s之间。同时人体皮下组织的毛细血管与周围环境成功地进行了传热交换,达到自身温度调节的目的。
Where a narrow capillary tubes called "". Usually refers to the inner diameter is equal to or less than 1 mm diametertube, due to some as thin as hair so that capillary. At present, in medicine, building materials, can see.
Nowadays, air conditioning system of modern architecture should meet very high demand. As the air conditioning and ventilation equipment and static conventional heating system is difficult to comfort, space and energy requirements ofthe province of capillary and best heat is a new technique in the field, it can be adjusted automatically according tothe surrounding environment. Capillary do heat medium water is directly below the elastic plastic, shop in theenvelope of a room surface. This room's ceiling, floor and walls will become very warm and comfortable. So, between the user and the energy transfer on the room surfaces by means of radiation. Radiation is the adjustment of the thermal balance between objects in natural conditions. Research has shown that, for this reason, the capillaryrefrigeration, heating system can make people feel more comfortable, so it has higher working efficiency.
Using PPR plastic capillary 4.3X0.8 mm composed of interval for the grid of 10 mm - 30 mm, like capillary in the human body, to the distribution, transport and collect the function of liquid. The liquid in the grid and human in capillary flow velocity is basically the same, are between 0.05 - 0.2 m/s. At the same time the human subcutaneous tissue of the capillary and the surrounding environment successfully carried out the heat exchange, to achieve itspurpose of temperature adjustment.
Low temperature hot water through the winter in a capillary, soft and radiant heat to the room; cold water through high temperature in summer in a capillary, soft radiation cooling to the room. Due to the capillary mat large heat exchange area, fast heat transfer speed, so the heat transfer efficiency is higher.
摘要: 1
Abstract: 1
一,毛细管的介绍 3
1.1蒸汽压缩的原理 3
压缩系统 4
蒸汽降温器 4
润滑系统 4
1.2毛细管的种类 4
电泳色谱 5
细管空调 5
细管用途 5
1.3毛细管的研究意义 6
二,设计方法 6
2.1毛细管试验台设计思路 6
2.2元器件的选用及其设计 7
2.2.1毛细管的选择 7
2.2.2气压计的选择 8
种类 8
用途 8
水银气压 8
无液气压 8
2.2.3换向阀的选择 9
2.3.4其他元件的选择 11
2.3密封性的设计 12
2.4使用注意事项 15
三,设计方案验证 15
3.1本设计的可行性分析 15
3.2本设计的优点及其不足之处 16
四,总结 16
五,致谢 16
六,参考文献 17
  • 毕业设计-毛细管特性分析及压力测试台设计
    • 毛细管特性分析及压力测试台设计
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件S三通.DWG  [72.49KB]
      • sldprtS三通.SLDPRT  [192.50KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件压力表.DWG  [102.16KB]
      • sldprt压力表.SLDPRT  [356.00KB]
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      • sldprt毛细管 4.5-3.0.SLDPRT  [143.00KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档毛细管方案.doc  [44.00KB]
      • JPEG图形文件毛细管特性分析及压力测试台设计任务书.jpg  [190.92KB]
      • Microsoft Audio Video Interleave电影格式毛细管特性试验台.avi  [15.08MB]
      • Microsoft Word文档毛细管特性试验台.doc  [366.00KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档毛细管论文.doc  [28.50KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件气动电磁阀.DWG  [123.50KB]
      • sldprt气动电磁阀.SLDPRT  [658.50KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件焊接管接头.DWG  [76.18KB]
      • sldprt焊接管接头.SLDPRT  [197.00KB]
      • slddrw管接头.SLDDRW  [277.00KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档约稿单.doc  [16.55KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件装配体1.DWG  [484.74KB]
      • sldasm装配体1.SLDASM  [1.20MB]
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      • sldprt零件12^装配体1.sldprt  [228.00KB]
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