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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计制造及自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehai
  • 文件格式:word+solidworks+avi
  • 文件大小:61.41MB
  • 上传时间:2015-10-5 1:05:44
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:0

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

Is a fan of the original motive of the mechanical energy is converted into gas, gas energy to the machinery, it is theindispensable equipment in thermal power plant, main blower, induced draft fan, a fan, sealing blower and exhauster,electric energy consumption accounts for about 1.5% of to power generation power plant 3%. In the actual operationof thermal power plant, wind machine, especially the fan because the operating condition is bad, high failure rate,according to the relevant statistics, the average annual incidence of induced draft fan fault for the 2 time, the bloweris average and annual failure for the 0.4 time, causing unplanned outage or reduce the load operation. Therefore, to quickly determine the fault reasons of fan operation, take effective measures to solve the power plant for the protection of the safe operation of. Although the fault type fan is various, the reason is very complex, but according to the actual plant operating stroke engine fault is more: bearing vibration, high bearing temperature, dynamic leaf cards astringent, protection misoperation.
Over the years, wind power generator with hydraulic machinery, as the power source to replace human, animal,played an important role in the development of the productive forces. Modern electrical power and the wide application of the twentieth Century 50's Middle East oil discoveries, the development of wind turbines to slow down.0 in the early seven, due to the "oil crisis", appeared the problem of energy shortage, people realize that theconventional fossil energy supply instability and limited, so look for clean renewable energy has become an important topic in modern world. Wind as a renewable, non polluting natural energy again attracted attention. In recent years, especially in the formal implementation of "renewable energy law", to create a favorable environment for the development of China's wind power generation, according to "Chinese wind power development report 2007"prediction, the domestic wind turbines will be increased by 37.4% every year, according to the existing policy,Chinese wind power installed capacity by the end of 2020 can be achieved 50000000 kw. Wind power generation unit is tending to increase, the average power of the wind turbine installed above 1.5MW. The hoisting of largegenerator for wind turbine installation bring new task. This paper describes the installation process engineering example of wind turbine. And the wind turbine is briefly introduced.
摘要: 1
Abstract: 3
一,大型风机的背景 5
1.1风机的现状 5
1.2风机的特点 7
历史 8
分类 9
二,设计方法 10
2.1叶片夹具设计 10
2.2材料的选用及其特性 11
2.3结构的选用及有限元计算 11
2.4加工工艺选择 20
三,设计方案验证 20
3.1夹具的可行性分析 20
3.2夹具的优点及其不足之处 20
四,总结 20
五,致谢 21
六,参考文献 22
  • 毕业设计-24米风机叶片叶根吊装夹具的结构设计与有限元分析
    • 24米风机叶片叶根吊装夹具的结构设计与有限元分析
      • 图片
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      • wbpz1.wbpz  [24.24MB]
      • Office 2007以上版本的Microsoft Word文档参考资料.docx  [17.54KB]
      • sldasm叶片夹具.SLDASM  [638.50KB]
      • step叶片夹具.STEP  [259.38KB]
      • sldasm叶片家具.SLDASM  [672.50KB]
      • sldprt叶片根部.SLDPRT  [183.50KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档吊装夹具资料.doc  [351.00KB]
      • 备份文件夹具.bak  [112.75KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件夹具.DWG  [112.75KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档毕业设计9论文)封面模版.doc  [14.00KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档毕业设计任务书(2014) 2.doc  [16.50KB]
      • Microsoft Audio Video Interleave电影格式清晰---24米风机叶片叶根吊装夹具的结构设计.avi  [39.12MB]
      • Microsoft Word文档理工类本科生毕业设计(论文)文件规范.doc  [103.50KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档约稿单1.doc  [16.05KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档论文.doc  [802.00KB]
      • Adobe Acrobat可导出文档格式文件连接构件U型卡尺寸标准.pdf  [101.29KB]
      • sldprt零件2^叶片家具.sldprt  [463.50KB]
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