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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:电子电工
  • 适用专业:电气自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:QQ之炫舞
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:892.88KB
  • 上传时间:2013-11-20 2:32:04
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:0

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

摘 要:在电力系统中,电动机运行状态直接影响到负载设备的稳定运行。因此,利用计算机实时监控电动机的运行状态,准确地读取扭矩参量,并能根据需要控制电动机,是势在必行的。本文的主要目的是设计一个扭矩检测系统,首先介绍了研制背景,指出其重要意义。接着提出了电动机扭矩检测的技术指标和要求,主要包括A/D转换电路对8位模拟电路开关量进行采集,串行通讯等几方面内容。然后提出了本文的主要工作内容,其内容包括:原理样机的电路设计,单片机与上位机利用RS232进行串口通信及其抗干扰技术,单片机程序设计及软件的去干扰问题,以及整个系统进行调试。
采集到的数据通过RS232送到计算机的监控检测系统进行处理。本论文利用Visual Basic开发出监控检测系统软件来对采集到的数据进行处理。监控检测系统软件主要解决以下三个问题:(1)与单片机采集系统的通讯;(2)对送过来的采集数据进行处理;(3)对采集来的数据进行操作及显示。本文介绍了VB语言的优点,给出了控制程序界面图,讨论了与单片机汇编程序的通讯协议。
关键词:电机 转矩 串口通讯

The desing of testing system of engine running state
Abstract:In the electrical system, the running of electrical engines has an immediate influence on the state of the load equipment. Therefore, it is important to monitor running of the engine, obtain the torque parameter accurately and control the engine whenever necessary with help of computers. This paper intends to design a torque testing system. Firstly, the background for the design is introduced and its significance is highlighted. Secondly, the technical standards and requirements for torque testing of the engine are proposed, including the data value acquisition of 8-digit analog circuit by A/D converting circuit as well as serial communication. Finally, this paper discusses the circuit design of principle prototype, communication and anti-interference techniques between microcontroller and host computer by means of RS232, the microcontroller programming and interference-free as well as the testing of the overall system.
The acquired data are processed by the monitoring system of computer through RS232. This paper employs Visual Basic to develop the monitoring and testing system in order to process the acquired data. So the monitoring and testing system will focus on the following three problems: (1) the communication with the microcontroller acquisition system; (2) the processing of the acquired data; (3) the operation and display of the acquired data. This paper also introduces the advantages of VB, presents the controlling program interface and discusses the communicational protocols for the microcontroller assembly program.
Key words: engine torque serial communication
  • 毕业论文-电动机运行状态检测系统的设计
    • Microsoft Word文档电动机运行状态检测系统的设计.doc  [2.84MB]
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