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  • 资源类别:试卷
  • 资源分类:文化课
  • 适用专业:科技英语
  • 适用年级:大二
  • 上传用户:361633178
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:59.28KB
  • 上传时间:2011-7-31 17:45:03
  • 下载次数:1
  • 浏览次数:136

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

Part I Reading Comprehension
两篇文章 10道选择题 每题2分,共计20分
Part II Vocabulary and Structure
20道选择题, 每题1分, 共计20分
Part III Cloze
一篇文章 20道题目,每题0.5分,共计10分
Part IV Blank-filling
Part V Translation
Part VI Translation
Part I Reading Comprehension
Passage 1
Geology is a natural science. With it men can discover all kinds of useful minerals. Geology studies the earth. But of the three spheres, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the lithosphere, it only directly studies the lithosphere. It studies the composition and distribution of material in the earth’s crust. It studies also the formation, changes and development of rocks and minerals in the earth’s crust.
Geology is a very complex science. There are many branches in geology. Mineralogy is the science of the minerals. Petrology is the science of the rocks. Geomorphology deals with origin of landscapes and changes in them. Historical geology traces the evolution and development of the earth and of the animals and plants on it. Stratigraphy studies the sequence of the rocks in the earth’s crust. Paleontology deals with the ancient animals and plants. These are just a few of the most important branches of geology.
Geology is a very important science. We depend upon geology for the discovery of mineral deposits needed by the various industries. A lot of minerals are used as fuel and raw materials. Without them industrialization is impossible. Minerals are also used as fertilizers in agriculture. China is very rich in mineral deposits of all kinds. The study of geology will help us to discover them.
Petroleum occurs widely in the earth as gas, liquid, semisolid, or solid, or in more than one of these states at a single place. Chemically any petroleum is an extremely complex mixture of hydrocarbon (hydrogen and carbon) compounds, with minor amounts of nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur as impurities. Liquid petroleum, which is called crude oil to distinguish it from refined oil, is the most important commercially. It consists chiefly of the liquid hydrocarbons, with varying amounts of dissolved gases, bitumens, and impurities.
Petroleum gas, commonly called natural gas to distinguish it from manufactured gas, consists of the lighter paraffin hydrocarbons, of which the most abundant is methane gas (CH4). The semisolid and solid forms of petroleum consist of the heavy hydrocarbons and bitumens.
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