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  • 资源类别:试卷
  • 资源分类:文化课
  • 适用专业:大学英语
  • 适用年级:中职
  • 上传用户:lshs8828
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:24.88KB
  • 上传时间:2011-4-14 23:59:45
  • 下载次数:2
  • 浏览次数:63

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

1. I consulted a doctor about my pains .
A. told B. discussed C. sent for D. asked for advice
2. It’s the end of September and the National Day is .
A. in hand B. on hand C. at hand D. by hand
3. He is unwilling to in favor of a young man.
A. step in B. step up C. step aside D. step back
4. May I that if we don’t leave now we shall miss the bus?
A. point out B. point to C. speak out D. refer to
5. The murderer was and sent to jail.
A. charged B. convicted C. accused D. committed
6. ____ is funny to hear your own voice on tape.
A. That B. This C. It D.
7. You ____ are very proud of our country.
A. As B. When C. While D. Because
8. Rarely ____ such a silly thing.
A. have I heard of B. have heard of I C. have heard I of D. I heard of
9. She ____ you a new car yesterday.
A. did buy B. do buy C. has buy D. have buy
10. There are railway station in ____ city in this province.
A. everyone B. all C. both D. every
11. The speech which he made ____ the project has bothered me greatly.
A. being concerned B. concerned C. be concerned D. concerning
12. However, at times this balance in nature is ____, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.
A. troubled B. disturbed C. confused D. puzzled
13. While ____ the sun, the satellite has sent more than four billion bits of information back to earth.
A. having orbited B. being orbited C. orbiting D. having been orbited
14. None of us expected the chairman to ____ at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.
A. turn in B. turn over C. turn up D. turn down
15. The words of his old teacher left a ____ impression on his mind. He is still influenced by them.
A. long B. lively C. lasting D. liberal
  • 大学英语(二)练习题及参案
    • Microsoft Word文档大学英语(二)练习题及参案.doc  [89.00KB]
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