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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计制造及自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehi
  • 文件格式:word+AutoCad
  • 文件大小:581.82KB
  • 上传时间:2011-3-25 17:22:09
  • 下载次数:3
  • 浏览次数:112

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[摘要] 齿轮减速器是各种机器中广泛采用的重要部件,其主要功用是减速增力(降低转速,增大扭矩)。为使机器具有良好的性能,齿轮减速器正向着大减速比、高效率、小体积的方向发展。
[关键词]:减速器 转臂轴承 少齿差 行星齿轮
DSL-60-50 transient equilibrium with small tooth difference reduction gear design
[ABSTRACT]: The speed reducer gear is the important part which in each kind of machine widely uses, its main function is decelerates increases the strength (despinning, increases torque). In order to enable the machine to have the good performance, the speed reducer gear to is being big let down, the high efficiency, the small volume direction develops.
The present with small tooth difference planetary transmission device still had the following problem:
(1) rotary arm of force bearing withstanding very big moves the load, the life is shorter;
(2) because an above pair of planet gear only realized static equilibrium but has not been able to realize the transient equilibrium, thus worked as when input axis high speed rotation, on its strut bearing will have the bigger periodic variation inertial couple the function, caused to have the vibration;
(3) because the planet gear only has two, also for avoids appearing the oversized vibration, the planet gear general layout thinly, thus its power divergence effect was still worse, the bearing capacity has been restricted (at present domestic product biggest transmission power was 45kw, overseas most greatly was 100kw);
(4) Tubal hole sells the type output element the best organization which recognizes as at present, but often appears in an impulse bigger situation sells the set the phenomenon which crushes.
Now proposed the transient equilibrium with small tooth difference planet reduction gear is one kind of completely balanced planet reduction gear, and has the reasonable output system, may overcome the existing with small tooth difference planet reduction gear the above shortcoming.
[Key words]: reduction gear rotary arm of force bearing with small tooth difference the planet gear

DSL-60-50型动平衡少齿差减速器的设计 1
前言 3
1、动平衡少齿差减速器的发展状况 4
1.1、现有技术简介 4
1.2、渐开线行星齿轮传动的结构特点 4
1.3、发展趋势及研究主攻方向 6
1.4、渐开线行星齿轮传动的缺点 7
2、渐开线少齿差减速器的方案论证 8
2.1、少齿差行星齿轮传动工作原理 8
2.2、动平衡渐开线行星齿轮减速器具有如下的结构和特点 11
2.2.1、动平衡渐开线行星齿轮减速器具有如下的结构 11
2.2.2、动平衡渐开线行星齿轮减速器具有如下的特点 11
2.3、动平衡渐开线行星齿轮减速器的技术特征 13
2.4、发展渐开线行星齿轮传动的意义 13
3、设计过程 14
3.1、几何计算 14
3.1.1、啮合角及变位系数确定 14
3.1.2、主要零件的材料和齿轮精度 14
3.1.3、啮合角及变位系数确定 14
3.2、强度的计算 20
3.2.1、齿轮强度 20
3.2.2、高速轴(输入轴)的扭转强度计算 23
3.2.3、输出轴的扭转强度计算 24
3.2.4、销轴受力计算 24
3.2.5转臂轴承的受力计算 27
4、结果分析 32
5、总结 33
参考文献 33
致 谢 35
附录 36

  • 毕业设计-DSL-60-50型动平衡少齿差减速器的设计
    • DSL-60-50型动平衡少齿差减速器的设计
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