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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:电子电工
  • 适用专业:电子通信
  • 适用年级:本科
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  • 上传时间:2015-10-15 3:16:28
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中英文翻译 Frequency Modulation(调频)


Common used Digital Signal Modulation and Demodulation Based on MATLAB

Abstract:Digital communication and simulation of communication system than have flexibility and efficiency, and confidentiality such prominent characteristics. Digital communication system simulation analysis to system plays a more and more important role. Digital modulation is a kind of digital baseband signal of high frequency carrier of the amplitude, frequency and phase to control technology, and to make high frequency carrier of the amplitude, phase or frequency with digital baseband signal changes. In the signal with a high frequency modulation in sine signal as carrier signal. A sine signal amplitude, frequency and phase has three parameters and can be to the three parameters for modulation, respectively called an am, FM and jamming. Also can use the pulse signal as carrier signal. To the different characteristics of the pulse signal parameters demodulation, the most common is to pulse width modulation on, called the pulse width. Digital signal modulation of the three basic way, have the amplitude, frequency control and monitoring key phase monitoring. In signal demodulation signal in the first has modulated signal detection of the process is called demodulation or detection. Amplitude modulation is to make already the amplitude of a signal with the value of the modulated signal changes and therefore the amplitude modulated signal envelope shape and modulation signal consistent. As long as can be detected amplitude modulated signal that can realize the envelope demodulation. This method is called modulated envelope. After the signal detection, then the low-pass filter, half signal, can obtain modulation signal, realize demodulation.
This paper first introduced the ASK, FSK, PSK various modulation and demodulation of the principle; Second, with MATLAB simulation tools for, realize and compared the three demodulation method; Simulation can change the simulation parameters, the simulation parameters can be accordingly, time domain and frequency domain comparison analysis.
目 录

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
第二章 ASK信号调制与解调 3
2.1二进制数字幅度调制与解调 3
2.1.1二进制振幅键控(2ASK)原理 3
2.1.2仿真结果分析 3
2.1.3 二进制振幅键控(2ASK)的解调 3
2.1.4仿真结果分析 4
2.2四进制数字幅度调制与解调 4
2.2.1四进制振幅键控(4ASK)原理 4
2.2.2仿真结果分析 4
2.2.3四进制振幅键控(4ASK)的解调 5
2.2.4仿真结果分析 5
第三章 FSK信号调制与解调 6
3.1二进制数字频率调制与解调 6
3.1.1 二进制频移键控(2FSK)原理 6
3.1.2仿真结果分析 7
3.1.3 二进制频移键控(2FSK)的解调 7
3.1.4仿真结果分析 8
3.2四进制数字频率调制与解调 10
3.2.1四进制频移键控(4FSK)原理 10
3.2.2仿真结果分析 10
3.2.3 四进制频移键控(4FSK)的解调 11
3.2.4仿真结果分析 11
第四章 PSK信号调制与解调 12
4.1 二进制数字相位调制与解调 12
4.1.1 二进制相移键控(2PSK)原理 12
4.1.2仿真结果分析 13
4.1.3二进制相移键控的解调 13
4.1.4仿真结果分析 14
4.2四进制数字相位调制 14
4.2.1四进制相移键控(4PSK)原理 14
4.2.2仿真结果分析 16
4.2.3四进制相移键控的解调 16
第五章 结论 17
参考文献 18
致 谢 19
  • 毕业设计-基于MATLAB常用数字信号调制与解调
    • Microsoft Word文档任务书.doc  [115.50KB]
    • Microsoft Powerpoint演示文稿基于MATLAB常用数字信号调制与解调 ppt.ppt  [675.50KB]
    • Microsoft Word文档外文翻译.doc  [109.50KB]
    • Microsoft Word文档开题报告.doc  [95.00KB]
    • Microsoft Word文档毕业设计(论文)原创性申明.doc  [27.50KB]
    • Microsoft Word文档论文.doc  [587.83KB]
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