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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:电子电工
  • 适用专业:微电子学
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehi
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:2.86MB
  • 上传时间:2012-2-26 23:58:13
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:1

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全


环栅纳米线结构,异质结,有轻掺杂的漏区延伸区、栅未覆盖区域。利用 TCAD
和数值模拟,优化器件的结构、材料及性能,并建立出匹配的 n 型和 p 型环栅纳
米线隧穿晶体管以及它们组成的反相器。模拟结果显示,与 MOSFET 和平面 tFET
相比,纳米线 tFET 反相器具有能够在低电源电压仍旧高速工作的优越性。我们
设计出的单极型纳米线 tFET,并利用完整的 TCAD 混合器件/电路仿真进行对
tFET 反相器性能的模拟,具有较好的原创性。
在此基础上,我们针对所设计出的 tFET 建立集约模型。模型中采用把 tFET 沟
合,定出合理的分界点。在隧穿区中,我们采用带间隧穿的思想,从 Schr?dinger
并进行模型的修正,使得我们的集约模型计算结果在一定范围内可以和 TCAD 数
值计算结果很好地吻合。我们提出的这个 NW-tFET 的集约模型思路与实现方法
文章最后对纳米线隧穿晶体管的 TCAD 模拟和集约模型的建立进行了总结,提
This thesis mainly discusses the device structure design and compact modeling of
Nanowire tunneling-FET (NW tFET).
The ambipolarity of conventional tFETs severely constraints their application in
digital integrated circuits. To solve this problem, this thesis proposes the structure of
unipolar tFET. The unipolar tFET has the key features of gate-all-around 1D nanowire
structure, heterojunction, lightly-doped drain-extension, and gate-underlap region. We
optimize the structure, material, and performance of the tFET with TCAD Sentaurus
and numerical simulation. With the establishment of matched complimentary n-type
and p-type GAA-NW HJ-tFET, we build the first tFET inverter, which shows superior
performance in low-voltage and high-temperature application. It is our original work
that unipolar NW-tFETs are designed and the complete mixed-mode device/circuit
simulation is employed to evaluate the performance of an all-tFET inverter.
We further build the compact model of the above NW tFETs. We divide the channel
of the tFET into two regions: tunneling region and drift-diffusion region. Relations of
currents and voltages are calculated separately, and the results of the two regions are
combined together to select appropriate dividing point. In tunneling region,
band-to-band tunneling is considered and the expression of tunneling current is derived
from Schr?dinger Equation. In drift-diffusion region, cylindrical coordinates and
accurate electrostatic theories are used, which fully describes the character of nanowire.
We make reasonable approximation which enables explicit expression of tFET current.
With the data calculated from compact model, we modify the existing model, leading
to perfect match of compact model and TCAD numerical simulation within certain
bias ranges. Our compact model of NW-tFET hasn’t been reported in literature.
The last part of the thesis summarizes the TCAD modeling and compact modeling
of NW tFET. Prospects and potential methods are also put forward.
Key Words: Nanowire; Gate-all-around; tunneling-FET; NW-tFET; Unipolar;
Compact Modeling
第 1 章
引言 .. 1
1.1 晶体管和集成电路的等比例缩小.. 1
1.2 纳米线简介... 2
1.3 隧穿晶体管简介.. 4
1.4 本课题的研究意义..... 4
第 2 章 纳米线隧穿晶体管(NW-tFET)的器件模型及数值模拟 5
2.1 环栅轴向异质结纳米线隧穿晶体管 CMOS 的器件模型建立 ..... 5
2.2 关键结构和参数.. 7
2.2.1 有效禁带宽度 Eg_eff 7
2.2.2 源端掺杂浓度.. 9
2.2.3 轻掺杂的漏区延伸区.... 9
2.2.4 栅覆盖区域.... 10
2.2.5 温度...11
2.3 NW-tFET 反相器及其性能 .... 12
2.4 环栅径向异质结纳米线隧穿晶体管... 13
第 3 章 纳米线隧穿晶体管(NW-tFET)的集约模型 .. 18
3.1 漂移扩散区. 18
3.2 隧穿区.. 26
3.3 结合以上两区域 29
3.4 计算结果..... 32
3.4.1 R=3nm, Lch=190nm ..... 32
3.4.2 R=3nm, Lch=80nm 40
3.5 模型修正..... 44
3.5.1 基于沟道电势的修正.. 44
3.5.2 基于电流饱和的修正.. 52
3.5.3 对输出特性曲线的修正..... 54
3.5.4 Compact Model 模型小结 ... 59
第 4 章 总结与后续工作 ..... 61
4.1 纳米线隧穿晶体管的 TCAD 模拟总结及后续工作 ...... 61
4.2 纳米线隧穿晶体管的集约模型总结及后续工作.... 61
插图索引 ..... 63
表格索引 ..... 68
参考文献 ..... 69
致 谢..... 73
声 明..... 74
附录 外文资料的调研阅读报告. 75
附.1 Schr?dinger Equation with crystal momentum basis ..... 75
附.2 Solution of Shr?dinger Equation (Eqn. 附.1-17)...... 79
附.3 Tunneling Rate ...... 83
附.4 Tunneling from Valence Band to Conduction Band . 86
参考文献..... 90
在学期间参加课题的研究成果.. 91

  • 毕业论文-环栅纳米线隧穿晶体管及其集约模型研究
    • Microsoft Word文档毕业论文-环栅纳米线隧穿晶体管及其集约模型研究.doc  [7.75MB]
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