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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:电子电工
  • 适用专业:电子与通信工程
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:叛逆的龙之子
  • 文件格式:nh
  • 文件大小:5.12MB
  • 上传时间:2012-2-20 23:58:32
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:10

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【摘要】 本文在深入分析火炮外弹道测量及修正技术的理论基础上,以某底凹弹为背景,提出了一种利用微加速度计和磁阻场传感器测量弹丸轴向加速度和炮口速度的设计方案,研制出了原理样机并进行了地面实验和靶场试验,主要做了以下几个方面的研究。提出了利用磁阻式传感器进行炮口转速及速度测量的方法。首先将传感器输出的正弦电压信号波形进行整形滤波处理变为方波;对方波计数后就可准确获得炮弹的转数。根据炮弹转速和轴向速度的关系可准确计算出炮弹的出炮口轴向瞬时速度。为了消除加速度计的离心加速度,采用双加速度传感器配置法检测炮弹质心轴向加速度,在弹丸飞出炮口的时刻,加速度传感器开始采集上升阶段的加速度,再由弹载微处理器解算出实时轴向加速度。针对某底凹弹修正引信的要求,开发了以DSP芯片TMS320F2811为主处理器的弹载弹道参数测量系统的硬件电路,重点解决了弹载系统所要求的抗高过载,低功耗,高精度,出炮口零时刻等关键问题,设计了磁阻传感器和加速度计的信号调理电路,A/D转换电路、数据存储电路、通信接口电路和DSP控制电路,编制了控制各部分硬件电路正常工作的软件模块,实现了炮口速度和轴向加速度测量的软件算法。地面实验和靶场试验表明:磁阻传感器测量炮口速度和双加速度计测量轴向加速度方法可行、数据准确,测量装置具有抗高过载生存能力,恶劣环境抗干扰能力,满足修正引信对弹道参数测量的要求。目前该技术已成功用于军方某部队的弹道测量及修正系统中,得到了用户的好评。
【Abstract】 This paper begins with a profound analysis of the measurement of exterior trajectory and correction techniques,taking a hollow base cartridge as experiment platform, magnetoresistance sensor and Micro-electromechanical Systems(MEMS) accelerometer are utilized to measure muzzle velocity and axis acceleration. The main research works are as follows.On the analysis of magneto-resistance effect, a method to measure muzzle velocity based on magnetorsistive sensor is proposed. Firstly, the sinusoidal voltage waveform of sensor output is shaped and filtered to square waveform; secondly, the projectile’s turns can be exactly obtained by calculating the optimum square wave. Finally, muzzle velocity is deduced from the relation between speed and axial acceleration of the projectile.In order to eliminate centrifugal acceleration of the accelerometers,a dual-accelerometer configuration is adopted to detect centroid axis acceleration of the projectile.Two accelerometers begin to sample acceleration when the round is flying off the muzzle,and microprocessor on the projectile calculates real-time axis acceleration.In order to meet requirements of a hollow base cartridge, a prototype measurement device based on TMS320F2811 was developed. Several critical issues, such as anti-high overload, low power consumption, high accuracy and determining the right time of flying off the muzzle, are solved. Signal processing circuit for magnetoresistance sensor and MEMS accelerometer, A/D circuit, data storage circuit, communication interface circuit and DSP control circuit are designed. Moreover, software modules are developed for controlling hardware circuits and realizing measurement algorithm of trajectory parameter.Ground test and firing range test both verified that trajectory parameter measurement based on magnetoresistance sensor and MEMS accelerometer is feasible,accurate measurement data can be obtained.Moreever, the measurement device feature anti-high overload capability and good anti-jamming performance,it can fully meet requirement of correcting fuze to the trajectory parameter measurement. At present,this technology has succeeded uses in the trajectory measurement and correction system servers in the army, which get high praise from the users.
【关键词】 弹道修正; 炮口速度; 数字信号处理; 磁阻传感器; 加速度计;
【Key words】 trajectory correction; muzzle velocity; DSP; magnetoresistance; accelerometer;

  • 硕士论文-火炮外弹道测量及修正技术研究
    • nh火炮外弹道测量及修正技术研究.nh  [6.14MB]
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