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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机电一体化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:wangkaikaii
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:1.34MB
  • 上传时间:2011-3-15 17:12:27
  • 下载次数:3
  • 浏览次数:231

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全


PLC英文全称Programmable Logic Controller ,中文全称为可编程逻辑控制器,定义是:一种数字运算操作的电子系统,专为在工业环境应用而设计的。
PLC English name Programmable Logic Controller, Chinese called the programmable logic controller, the definition is: a digital computing operation of electronic systems in industrial environments for applications.
PLC is a specialized in industrial environments for applications designed to operate electronic digital computing device. It can be programmed using the memory, used in its implementation of internal storage logic operations, the order of operations, timing, counting and arithmetic operations, such as operating instructions, and can be digital or analog input and output, control of various types of machinery or production process. PLC and its associated peripheral equipment should be in accordance with the industrial control system is easy to form a whole, easy to extend its functions and design principles.
With the deepening of reforms, the socialist market economy, increasing prosperity and development of cities during the months Xinhuanet lighting works. Enterprises to promote their corporate image and products, are one of advertising: neon-screen to achieve this purpose. When we walk in the street at night, the road on both sides of all kinds of neon signs advertising all can see, a neon tube is made of a variety of shapes and multi-colored lamp, and the other for sunlight, such as pipe or tube as the incandescent light source, language or reprovision large advertising posters to achieve the effect of publicity. These bright lights out, blinking all the time and the flow direction can be controlled through the PLC to meet the requirements.
Key words:S7-200 PLC , neon, autocontrol

第一章 广告灯箱的设计要求 1
1.1 广告灯箱的功能控制要求 1
1.2 广告灯箱的选题意义 1
1.3 广告灯箱的设计思路 1
1.4 广告灯箱流程设计图 2
第二章 PLC的概括 3
2.1 PLC的由来 3
2.2 PLC的结构 3
2.3 PLC的工作原理 6
2.4 PLC的意义与发展 7
第三章 S7-200 PLC的功能控制 8
3.1 S7-200 PLC的介绍 8
3.2 I/O地址分配表 8
3.3 S7-200 PLC的型号选择 9
3.4 S7-200PLC的电源选择 11
第四章 广告灯箱的实体系统设计 12
4.1 广告灯箱的外箱总设计 12
4.2 PLC硬件系统设计方法 13
4.3 S7-200PLC接线与布线 14
4.4 S7-200PLC接头安装 15
4.5 S7-200PLC端子硬线接线图 16
4.6 S7-200PLC端子软线接线图 17
第五章 S7-200编程软件 19
5.1 S7-200控制程序 19
5.2 编程语言 20
第六章 利用STEP7程序进行运行、下载及调试 22
6.1 STEP7程序的使用过程 22
6.2 STEP 7 MICROWIN V3.2的使用过程 22
6.3 下载程序的过程 23
6.4 彩灯广告灯箱的编译与下载 24
6.5 彩灯广告灯箱的运行与调试 24
第七章 彩灯广告灯箱的程序编排 25
7.1 程序控制运行设计(梯形图) 25
7.2 故障的检修过程 29
7.3 故障的检查方案 29
7.4 PLC整体实物效果图 30
总结 33
参考文献 34
致谢 35

  • 毕业设计-基于S7-200PLC广告灯箱的设计与制作
    • Microsoft Word文档毕业设计论文.doc  [1.55MB]
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