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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计制造及其自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:_____夏初ヽ
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:2.00MB
  • 上传时间:2016-3-3 1:25:51
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  • 浏览次数:4

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中英文翻译 Introduction to the special section on self-optimizing mechatronic systems(关于自我优化的机电一体化系统)
摘 要

随着社会生产水平的提高,生产规模的扩大,机电一体化冲压单元在生产过程中越来越重要。为了提高生产率,各企业都在尽可能多地应用机电一体化冲压单元。它通过计算机系统的智能检测及集成控制,大大提高了劳动生产力,降低了操作人员的劳动强度,加快了物料冲压,为企业节省了大量的劳力和时间, 在国民经济中发挥了巨大的作用。

【关键词】 机电一体化;实训系统;冲压单元;动力驱动;步进电机;步进电机驱动器;空气压缩机;气缸


With the improvement of the level of social production, the expansion of production scale, the mechatronic stamping cell played a more and more important role in the manufacturing process. In order to raise the productivity, it has been used in various enterprises. It adopted an intelligent detection and integrated computer system control, greatly improving the labor productivity, reduced operator labor intensity, speed up the construction of the materials and cut down the labor and time in the large scale for industrial enterprises, which played a huge role in the national economy.
The design of a mechatronic stamping unit in a typical automated production line include: power-driven design, structure and exterior design, manipulator and movement design, interface with the electrical circuit design and PLC control system design part. The design structure and exterior of the stamping cell is to design a stamping cell with a logical structure and work safely in a lesser space;The design of manipulator requires simple construction, works safely and orient preciously; The design of power drive is to design the motivity of the manipulator in the whole motorial process; The design of interface and the circuit is to design the interface of the whole system including that of various sensors and PLC and disposing the circuit of whole system; The design of PLC is to design the operation of the informations that the sensors collect, and control every executive part accordingly.
The main issue is the power drive design of the stamping cell based on the electronic training system: the power drive device is mainly to drive the motivity of the manipulator, horizontal plane through the stepper motor-driven ball screws to drive the right-and-left and fore-and-aft motivity. Moreover, there are air-pressure-driven cylinders in the horizontal direction to control the fore-and-aft movement of the manipulator. Through the three degrees of freedom of the manipulator goods can be stamped automaticly.

【Key words】Mechatronic; Training system; Stamping unit; Power Drive; Stepping Motor; Stepping Motor Driver; Air compressor pneumatic

目 录

第一章 绪论........................................................2
1.1 课题的来源.....................................................2
1.2 课题研究的目的及意义...........................................2
1.3 课题研究内容...................................................2
第二章 步进电动机的驱动设计........................................6
2.1 滚珠丝杠螺母副的计算设计......................................6
2.1.1 滚珠丝杠螺母副的组成及特点......................................6
2.1.2 滚珠丝杠副的计算与选型...........................................7
2.2 步进电动机................................................11
2.2.1 步进电动机的分类.................................................12
2.2.2 选择步进电动机时的注意事项.......................................12
2.3 步进电动机的选型..........................................13
2.3.1 横轴步进电机的选用.................................13
2.4 步进电动机驱动器的选型........................................17
2.4.1 Q2HB68MC驱动器的特点.................................18
2.4.2 Q2HB68MC驱动器的接线示意图及引脚功能................19
第三章 气压驱动设计................................................23
3.1 气压驱动简介..................................................23
3.1.1 气压传动系统的组成...............................................23
3.1.2 气压传动系统的特点...............................................24
3.2 气源装置的选用................................................25
3.2.1 空气压缩机的选用..............................................26
3.2.3 气源净化装置..............................................28
3.4 气动执行元件..................................................30
3.5 气动辅助元件..................................................40
  • 毕业设计-机电一体化实训系统冲压单元——动力驱动设计
    • Microsoft Word文档石建军动力驱动设计定稿.doc  [3.42MB]
    • Microsoft Word文档石建军外文翻译.doc  [44.00KB]
    • Microsoft Word文档石建军文献综述.doc  [40.00KB]
    • Microsoft Word文档石建军选题报告.doc  [38.50KB]
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