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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:电子电工
  • 适用专业:电力系统自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
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  • 上传时间:2009-1-27 17:30:40
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毕业论文 多电机同步控制,共56页,35548字
摘 要
关键词: PROFIBUS-DP总线,,智能控制,同步,神经网络

Multiple motors have been used for driving systems widely in recent years to meet the increased requirement of driving systems. In order to improve the dynamic and static performances, and to increase the load ability of the system, the problem of synchronized drive of multiple motors must be taken seriously, thus, the synchronized control of multiple motors is very important. A successful synchronized control scheme must control both the speed and the moment .In this sense, synchronization refers to controlling current and velocities of the motors relative to each other so that they remain well-coordinated.
In case of synchronization for multiple motors, the real time data communication is necessary. In order to satisfy this requirement, the complex signal lines are usually used to detect the speed and current of each motor and to command the desired speed and moment. Such a traditional implementation technique induces many problems in the view of reliability and economy because of the amount and complexity of wiring, noise and maintenance problems, etc. In order to remove these problems, a simple synchronization system with the aid of serial communication using PROFIBUS-DP is proposed in this paper. In this case, inflexible and expensive special wiring is not necessary. Furthermore, the system can be modified in terms of network nodes without changing the wiring.
In this system ,the most important thing is to precisely synchronized control of the speed and the torque .Base on this requirement, put forward arithmetic of Intelligent Control, focus to characteristic of multiple motors’ synchronized control, the control of Neural Network has been choosen ,and set up all-purpose system ; at last , validates this system by the application of all digital reconstruct of the WuYang steel company’s clamping crane.
Key words: PROFIBUS-DP bus , Intelligent Control,Synchronization, Neural Network

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题的目的和意义 1
1.2 多电机同步控制的发展状况 1
1.3 现场总线技术的应用 2
1.4 智能控制的简介 3
1.5 本课题研究内容 4
第二章 PROFIBUS总线介绍 5
2.1 现场总线简介 5
2.1.1 现场总线的定义 5
2.1.2 现场总线的特点与优点 5
2.1.3 几种比较有影响的现场总线技术 5
2.2 PROFIBUS概述和协议剖析 6
2.2.1 PROFIBUS概述 6
2.2.2 协议结构和类型 7
2.3.1 PROFIBUS-DP的基本功能 9
2.3.2 PROFIBUS-DP的特点 9
2.3.3 PROFIBUS-DP的通信模型 9
2.3.4 PROFIBUS-DP设备的分类 11
2.3.5 PROFIBUS网络的配置方案 12
第三章 神经网络智能控制 14
3.1 智能控制系统 14
3.1.1 原理结构 14
3.1.2 功能特点 15
3.1.3 智能控制的类型 15
3.2 神经网络与系统建模和控制 18
3.2.1 神经元模型 19
3.2.2 神经网络建模 20
3.2.3 神经网络控制 22
3.3 神经网络模型参考自适应控制 26
3.3.1 神经网络MRAC的一般结构 26
3.3.2 间接神经网络MRAC 27
3.3.3 直接神经网络MRAC 29
3.4 本章小结 39
第四章 系统实现及实例应用 41
4.1 双闭环控制 41
4.1.1 积分调节器饱和非线性的仿真处理 42
4.1.2 速度调节器和电流调节器的工程设计 42
4.1.3 双闭环调速系统动态仿真及分析 42
4.2 系统的构建 43
4.3 实例应用 46
第五章 结束语 49
参考文献 50
致 谢 52
  • 毕业论文-多电机同步控制
    • Microsoft Word文档263066$zhulifen9$多电机同步控制.doc  [2.54MB]
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