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硕士学位论文 高校图书馆信息生态系统优化研究,说明书共30页,27553字。

With the development of society, the information society has become the main trend of social development, in the areas of full time information in the case of information to optimize the necessary is necessary. As we know, the development of information provides a more convenient conditions for the society, at the same time, we also found, information has also brought a series of social problems, information security, information environment, personal information to sales, information monopoly, has reality, how to make full use of these information necessary for the protection and maintenance information, the need for all stakeholders to work together to achieve, which constitute the ecological information system, in this system, the field of play different roles, but the fundamental purpose of the role of only one, is to realize the information to the ecological system and stable equilibrium more, realize information sharing, get rid of all kinds of information not the problem of free, that need to optimize the measures in many aspects in the process. As we know, the advent of the Internet era, it provides a great impetus for the development of information, but also brings the opportunity for the development of library cause, but we also found that, in the library information base to establish and perfect the process, there are also disadvantages and obstacles to library operation, how to get rid of the bad factors the object of optimization, has become the present stage of information ecosystem research. Can say, in the information imbalance in the circumstances, is not conducive to the coordinated development of the linkage information, also has a negative information, can not play its due role, that is to say in the process optimization system of information ecology also to solve this problem. Analysis based on the above background, has the important meaning of the construction and optimization of visible information ecosystem, in the management of university library, this problem becomes more and more important, the significance of this study is here.
This subject fully using the research methods of literature analysis and empirical analysis, based on the existing research results at home and abroad to study on the analysis of university library information ecology optimization system, a major part of the study are: first, the introduction part. The main part of the brief description of the research background and significance and the research method of combining theory, make a summary of the research status at home and abroad, to become the initial stage of research; research on the basis of the second part, theory. In theory, the main analysis the basic theory of ecology as well as the basic theory of library information ecological system, and do some comparison with information ecology system mainly mode and Library of the natural ecological system, to find the differences, summarized the necessity and feasibility of ecological system construction and optimization; the third part, the necessary analysis of the elements of information ecology system of Library in Colleges and universities, including the connotation, necessity of university library information ecological system optimization of University Library in the information ecological system and construction of information ecology system factor investigation, university library service characteristics of the content, this analysis can have a certain logic, at the same time, we hope this research can have some breakthrough the innovation mode, achieve the optimization of system of information ecology; the fourth part, analysis of construction of information ecology system in university library, information system of University Library in the information ecological system functions and features of university library, the main analysis of the theoretical basis for ecological construction and development model, finally puts forward the measures of information optimization and management of ecological system of 4.3 university libraries, realize the The purpose of the research; the fifth part, the conclusion, summarizes the research situation, and puts forward some prospects, from the innovation point of analysis in this paper, the perfect closing.
Keywords:University Library; Information ecosystem; Optimization
  • 硕士学位论文-高校图书馆信息生态系统优化研究
    • Microsoft Word文档高校图书馆信息生态系统优化研究.doc  [135.50KB]
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