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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:文化课
  • 适用专业:商务英语
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:bxgzlove
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:47.15KB
  • 上传时间:2018/5/28 23:38:56
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:0

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

First it is the working experience .I have worked as a telephone operator for one month .Much knowledge have been learned from the work .In the beginning I did it badly ,I can not remember the words that we must say , and I was slow in reacting. I fall behind. I cried and made up my mind to catch up with others. So I set a goal and learned from others ,worked harder than others ,finally I fulfilled my task which our company arranged .Although I can not do it perfectly ,I did it by heart .And I believe that care and diligence bring luck .
This article consists of four parts: the brief introduction of the video websites,the status of it , the future development trend at home and abroad and the race condition of I-events in China.
Video websites is the websites that give services by video. Through the analysis and survey, we got that the video websites developed rapidly. It is becoming the important part of China’s Internet economy .But in China the video websites are not good enough than other country’s. Overseas have higher technology and smart strategy than us .Now we should enrich our video websites styles and improve the legal system.
Now most company hold the meeting by video websites in the internet ,it facilitates the employees in the company .As a small part of the huge video websites systems ,I-events should take the whole environment into consideration , improve it’s basic system and give the customers the best services. So that I-events can survive in the large and dog-eat-dog meeting video websites.
Through the survey and analysis,I realized the race condition of i-events so that I can spread it well as a service.

目 录
第1章 绪论 ...........................................................1
第2章 视频网站简介
2.1公司简介 ..........................................................2
2.2视频网站 ..........................................................2
2.3知名视频网站 ......................................................2
第3章 行业现状
3.1视频网站盈利方式 ..................................................3
3.2版权之争 ..........................................................3
3.3发展障碍 ..........................................................3
第4章 国内外视频网站的发展趋势与未来
4.1国内视频网站的发展趋势与未来 ......................................4
4.2国外视频网站的发展趋势与未来 ......................................4
第5章 技视网在中国的竞争情况
5.2 技视网的发展现状与竞争 ......................................... 5
结论 .............................................................. 6
参考文献............................................................... 7
致谢 .............................................................. 8
  • 毕业论文-浅谈视频网站在中国的发展前景
    • Microsoft Word文档浅谈视频网站在中国的发展前景.doc  [120.00KB]
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