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    【教学内容】高一必修三Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”
【三维目标】Teaching goals
1. Get students to learn the useful words and expressions in this part.
2. Let students learn the knowledge of Canada.
1. Develope students’ reading ability and let them learn different reading skills.
2. Let students learn how to read a traveling report and how to use a map.
3. Enable students to learn about some basic information and talk about Canada.
情感态度价值观:1.Stimulate students’ interest in learning about foreign countries.
2. Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning.
【教学重点及难点】Teaching important points
1. Find the answers to the questions in post-reading.
Learn the methods of writing a traveling report about.
2. Understand the use of noun clause - appositive clause.
Learn to read the traveling report according to the traveling route.
【教学方法】Teaching methods
1.Skimming and scanning; 2.Asking-and-answering activities; 3.Listening method.
【学情分析】Analysis of the students
The students have learned the new words and expressions of this unit. So it is not difficult for them to understand the basic meaning of this passage. The students in my class are of different levels so I should adapt the lesson to each of them and try to solve different kinds of problems which may appear in the lesson. The students are often fed up by the teacher’s questions. So I often use some activities in the class to finish some tasks such as individual, pair or group work to let each of them have more chances to practise English and involve actively in the lesson, thus to make some improvement .
  • 高一必修3第5单元《Canada》阅读课教案
    • Microsoft Word文档高一必修3第5单元Canada阅读课教案--打印.doc  [76.50KB]
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