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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:电子电工
  • 适用专业:自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehai
  • 文件格式:word+ppt
  • 文件大小:2.21MB
  • 上传时间:2014-7-11 0:36:10
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安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全


摘 要
在日常的生活和工作中, 住宅与部门的安全防范、单位的文件档案、财务报表以及一些个人资料的保存多以加锁的办法来解决。若使用传统的机械式钥匙开锁,人们常需携带多把钥匙, 使用极不方便, 且钥匙丢失后安全性即大打折扣。在安全技术防范领域,具有防盗报警功能的电子密码锁逐渐代替了传统的机械式密码锁,电子密码锁具有安全性高、成本低、功耗低、易操作等优点。
本文从经济实用的角度出发,采用80c52单片机作为主控芯片,结合外围的矩阵键盘输入、LED液晶显示、报警、开锁等,用C语言编写的主控芯片控制程序与EEPROM AT24C02读写程序相结合,并用Keil软件进行编译,设计了一款可以多次更改密码,具有报警功能的电子密码控制系统。

In the daily life and the work, the way to the house's and department's safe guard, unit's document file, the financial reporting as well as some individual material preservation almost need many locks. If we use tradition mechanical key to open, the people often must carry many keys, but it is not extremely convenient. If the key lost, the security will decline greatly. In the safety work guard domain, the lock with security warning function electronic combination have replaced the traditional mechanical combination lock gradually, the electronic combination lock have the highly security, the lowly cost , the lowly power wastage, easy to operate and so on merits.
It is a password input through the control circuit or chip, thereby controlling the closed mechanical switch, completing unlocking, locking the task of electronic products. It has many types, has simple circuit products, but also the higher cost chip-based products. Now the widely used electronic code lock is a chip as the core, achieved through programming.
This article is based on the economical and practical point of view, use 80c52 microcontroller as a master chip and the data memory unit, it combines with the external matrix keyboard input, LED digital display, alarm, unlock and so on circuits, dominates by the C programming language chip EEPROM of the control procedures and carries on the translation with Keil software, the password can be changed many times, the electronic the password control also has the alarming function.
This password lock circuit design has anti-test button input, intelligent control lock, unlock, alarm and change the password multiple functions. Password length can be changed, great security and high flexible than others, it is widely used
Key Words:Password lock,MCU,Alarm,LED Display

目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题的介绍 1
1.2 本设计课题的研究现状 1
第二章 密码锁设计方案及论证 3
2.1 密码锁的设计思路 3
2.2 设计方案的几种类型 3
2.3 方案论证及设计框图 4
第三章 硬件设计 6
3.1 单片机简介 6
3.2 内部时钟电路 10
3.3 手动复位电路 10
3.4 键盘接口电路 11
3.5 数码管数码显示电路 12
3.6 译码器74LS138的运用 14
3.7 开锁控制电路 14
3.8 报警电路 15
第四章 电子密码锁软件系统设计 16
4.1 软件工具介绍 16
4.2 主程序框图 17
4.3 程序功能及程序举例 18
第五章 系统仿真与调试 22
5.1 PROTEUS仿真过程 22
5.2 仿真结果分析及问题解决方案 28
参考文献 28
致 谢 29
毕业设计小结 32
附 录 33

  • 毕业设计-基于80c52单片机的电子密码锁设计
    • 李嘉洋-191002-103595
      • Microsoft Word文档基于单片机的电子密码锁设计191002班李嘉洋 3.doc  [2.20MB]
      • Microsoft Word文档外文翻译 (基于单片机的电子密码锁设计).doc  [118.50KB]
      • Microsoft Powerpoint演示文稿李嘉洋.ppt  [1.78MB]
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