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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:电子电工
  • 适用专业:自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehai
  • 文件格式:word+ppt
  • 文件大小:1.45MB
  • 上传时间:2014-7-10 1:39:43
  • 下载次数:0
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安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全


摘 要

The torpedo is a self-propelled in the water, automatic control and guided navigation, is an offensive weapon against surface ships and submarines. The control system and guidance system are the hub of the torpedo, play an important role in the guidance precision and attitude contorl.The torpedo control system task is to ensure that the torpedo by setting the course motion, as much as possible without outside interference, at the same time, plus a singal to change the original course ,and to maintain a set course new. In order to meet the requirements of system optimization technology, PID regular for regulating object heading control is necessary. Therefore, selected the appropriate control law is very important. With the develpopment science and technology, the advances in computer hardware and software, graphics, and intelligent simulation technology are obvious, they play an important role in engineering design. These techniques take full advantage of the high-speed computing and processing power of the computer, dynamic system modeling, analysis, design and simulation.In this context, according the control performance of torpedo requirements design the system course control, a mathematical model is established and the simulation was put according to the course control system design of PID controller and verify.
First, The system constitution and the basic principle of torpedo course control, characteristic course motion is introduced briefly; Second, according to the type, characteristics and technical index of torpedo,the differential equation is derived from the equation of state of the system is derived from the control equation and lateral motion course system, then establish the mathematical model of composition principle graph, and analyse the computer control system of the torpedo,the stability analysis, root locus analysis, frequency domain analysis, time domain response, and use MATLAB software to get the simulation diagram. Finally,to compare the P, PI, PID control method, the PID controller as the core, to determine the parameters and can meet the system requirements can be achieved by tuning method, When does not meet the reselection parameters, being analyse and simulate, until the meet the requirements so far. Though MATLAB programming and SIMULINK modeling, the controller is added to the desgin of the control system performance is achieved after heading. ,,,which achieve the requirements of the tasks of technology and verify the feasibility of the PID controller design right and heading system. The simulation design of PID controller indicate that the design improves the heading control accuracy and stability, the performance of system is improved and has good antiinterference ability.
KEY WORDS:torpedo, course control system, MATLAB software, PID controller

目 录
第一章 概 述 1
1.1 毕业设计选题的意义 1
1.2 毕业设计的任务分析 2
1.3 毕业设计的主要技术指标及控制要求 2
第二章 鱼雷及自动控制系统简介 4
2.1 鱼雷及其自动控制系统的发展 4
2.1.1 鱼雷的发明及其特点 4
2.1.2 鱼雷的战斗使命及国内外的发展现状 4
2.2 鱼雷自动控制系统的基本原理与组成 5
2.3 鱼雷自动控制系统的战术技术要求 7
2.3.1 自动控制系统的一般性能指标 7
2.3.2 鱼雷自动控制系统的主要战术指标 8
第三章 鱼雷航向控制系统 11
3.1 鱼雷航向控制的基本原理 11
3.2 鱼雷航向控制系统的动态特性 14
3.2.1 过渡过程的分析 14
3.2.2 利用根轨迹对稳定性进行分析 16
3.2.3 频率特性分析 18
3.3 鱼雷航向控制系统的稳态分析 19
3.3.1 航向控制系统的稳态误差 19
3.3.2 扰动输入的影响 20
第四章 鱼雷控制系统的计算机辅助分析 22
4.1 鱼雷控制系统的稳定性分析 22
4.2 鱼雷控制系统的根轨迹分析 22
4.2.1 根轨迹分析的MATLAB实现 22
4.2.2 鱼雷侧向运动的根轨迹分析 24
4.3 鱼雷控制系统的频域响应分析 25
4.3.1 频域响应分析的MATLAB实现 25
4.3.2 鱼雷侧向运动的稳定性分析 27
4.4 鱼雷控制系统的时域响应分析 30
4.4.1 时域响应分析的MATLAB实现 30
4.4.2 鱼雷航向系统的时域响应分析 31
4.4.3 时域响应分析的Simulink建模分析 33
第五章 某型鱼雷航向控制系统的设计 37
5.1 计算机辅助设计 37
5.2 系统控制方案的对比与说明 37
5.3 PID控制器 40
5.3.1 概述 40
5.3.2 PID控制器参数整定法 40
第六章 采用PID调节器某型鱼雷航向控制系统设计结论 53
致 谢 55
参考文献 56
毕业设计小结 57



  • 毕业设计-采用PID调节器某型鱼雷航向控制系统设计
    • 吉晶晶
      • Microsoft Powerpoint演示文稿吉晶晶毕业论文ppt.ppt  [894.00KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档外文翻译.doc  [215.00KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档毕业论文 吉晶晶.doc  [1.96MB]
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