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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计制造及其自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehai
  • 文件格式:word+autocad+ppt
  • 文件大小:1.55MB
  • 上传时间:2014-7-1 2:23:52
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摘 要
工艺学是研究机械加工工艺技术和夹具设计为主的技术学科,具有很强的实践性,要求学习过程中应紧密联系生产实践,同时它又具有很强的综合性。本次毕业设计研究的课题是套筒零件加工工艺编制及铣床夹具设计,主要内容如下:首先,对零件进行分析,根据零件图提出的具体加工要求,确定毛坯的制造形式和尺寸。第二步,进行基面的选择,确定加工过程中的粗基准和精基准。根据选好的基准,制定工艺路线方案,第三步,根据已经确定的工艺路线,选择加工设备及工艺装备,再确定每一工步的切削用量。在机械设计制造各行业的工艺过程中广泛应用着各种不同的,用以固定加工对象,使之占有正确位置,以便接受施工的一种工艺装备,通称为夹具。本次夹具设计则是设计铣套筒圆弧R10mm 的夹具。设计夹具先对原始资料进行分析,明确设计的要求和意图,然后提出具体的定位、夹紧、对刀方案和夹具体的一般结构。为保证设计的可靠性,还要对夹具的夹紧力和精度进行了分析。同时使设计基准与定位基准相重合,保证了槽侧面的加工精度与位置公差。然后确定夹具结构方案,然后开始切削力、夹紧力的计算和定位误差的分析。最后,把整个设计过程整理为设计说明书和图纸,至此整个设计基本完成。

Technology is the technology research of mechanical processing technology and fixture design, has a strong practice, requirements should be closely combined with the production practice in the learning process, and it also has the very strong comprehensive. The graduation design topic is the preparation technology of the sleeve parts processing and milling fixture design, the main contents are as follows: firstly, the analysis of parts, according to the specific part drawing processing requirements, determine the manufacture of blank shape and size. The second step, the selection of base, determine the processing of crude and refined baseline benchmark. According to the chosen benchmark, creating process flow scheme, the third step, according to process routes have been identified, select the processing equipment and process equipment, then determine the amount of cutting each work step. In the process of mechanical design and manufacturing industries in a wide variety of applications, for processing a fixed object, so that possession of the correct position, to receive a construction techniques and equipment, known as the fixture. The jig design is the fixture design of arc milling sleeve R10mm. Fixture design first carries on the analysis to the original data, make clear of the design requirements and intentions, and then put forward specific positioning, clamping, clamping tool setting scheme and general structure of concrete. In order to ensure the design reliability, but also on the clamping force and precision was analyzed. At the same time the design standard and the locating datum coincide, ensure the machining precision and position tolerance groove side. Then determine the structure scheme of fixture, calculation and positioning error analysis and began cutting force, clamping force. Finally, the whole design process for the design specifications and drawings, thus the whole design is basically completed.
Keywords: sleeve, machining, milling fixture

第一章 绪论 1
第二章 套筒零件图分析 3
2.1 套筒零件图的分析 3
2.1.1 套筒结构特点 3
2.1.2 套筒作用 4
2.1.3 套筒工艺分析 4
第三章 套筒工艺过程分析 7
3.1确定毛坯 7
3.1.1 毛坯选择 7
3.1.2 绘制毛坯图 8
3.2拟定工艺路线 8
3.2.1 各表面加工方法 8
3.2.2 定位基准的选择 19
3.2.3 加工阶段的划分 20
3.2.4 工序集中与分散 21
3.2.5 热处理工序安排 22
3.2.6 辅助工序的安排 22
3.2.7 重要工序的分析 22
3.3 加工余量的确定 23
3.4 尺寸链计算 24
第四章 铣床夹具设计 26
4.1 定位装置的设计 26
4.2夹紧装置的设计 26
4.3绘制夹具总图 26
4.4夹具操作简述 27
4.5夹具精度校核 27
第五章 结论 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 31
毕业小结 32
附 录 34

  • 毕业设计-套筒工艺及铣床夹具设计
      • Microsoft Word文档刘雨婷外文文献.doc  [149.00KB]
      • Office 2007以上版本的Microsoft Word文档毕业设计论文定稿(刘雨婷).docx  [687.57KB]
      • Office 2007以上版本的Microsoft Powerpoint演示文稿答辩PPT--刘雨婷.pptx  [558.76KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件附录1——套筒零件图.dwg  [76.66KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档附录2——套筒工序卡片.doc  [706.00KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件附录3——铣槽夹具装配图.dwg  [129.22KB]
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