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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计制造及其自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehai
  • 文件格式:word+ppt
  • 文件大小:6.00MB
  • 上传时间:2014-6-19 2:25:21
  • 下载次数:0
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摘 要
关键词: 型腔铣,轮廓铣,VERICUT

Since the competition of global manufacturing industry is increasingly intense, advanced manufacturing technologies appeared continuously. The general application of the modern Numerical Control Manufacturing technology, has made the processing cycle of the products shorten by a large margin, has improved the processing quality of the products, has accelerated the update of the products, and has strengthened the competitive power of the products. So the research of the process technology of numerical control has become the focal point of studying.
The manufacturing method changes a lot with the development of the computer technology in the modern society. Computer simulation saves a lot of time for the workers and greatly saves the cost of raw materials. Also computer simulation increases production efficiency. At present, most of the factory machines are used in CNC machine tools. CNC machining parts achieved the requirement both in the appearance and in the accuracy. To master the computer manufacturing technology for the engineering working in the field of aviation is imperative.
Author in the access and search a lot and the design of relevant documents, to carry on the research of NC machining, and the teacher under the guidance of the patient, the first analysis of part process drawings, preparation of NC machining program using CATIA, the design of NC processing method of the parts, and uses VERICUT to the dynamic simulation of parts processing. Multi cavity to airplane parts in the design of object for processing, rough machining and finish machining the cavity milling and contour milling.
KEY WORDS: cavity milling,contour milling,vericut

目 录
摘 要 1
前 言 3
第一章 绪论 4
1.1课题研究的意义 4
1.2国内外现状 5
1.3论文的章节安排 5
第二章 CATIA软件的主要功能介绍 6
2.1 CATIA软件简介 6
2.2 CATIA V5功能模块简介 7
2.3 CATIA V5软件的特点 11
2.4 CATIA 软件的竞争优势 12
第三章 数控加工关键技术的研究 13
3.1 数控编程的定义 13
3.2 数控编程的基本知识 13
3.3数控编程的工艺处理 17
3.4数控加工的误差来源 22
3.5数控程序的格式及功能字 22
第四章 航空多腔类典型零件加工的研究 25
4.1 引入零件及进入加工模块 26
4.2 创建零件毛培 27
4.3 零件定义操作 27
4.4 零件区域粗加工(Roughing) 31
4.5 零件区域半精加工(Sweeping) 35
4.6 零件凹槽内扫描加工(Sweeping) 37
4.7 零件凹槽内槽加工(Pocketing) 40
4.8 零件区域精加工(Facing) 45
4.9 零件凹槽内凸台精加工(Facing) 48
4.10 零件凹槽内曲面轮廓清根加工(Contour-driven) 51
4.11 零件凹槽内凸台轮廓清根加工(Contour-driven) 55
4.12 零件凹槽内扫描加工(Sweeping) 58
4.13 零件区域斜面扫描加工(Sweeping) 60
第五章 VERICUT仿真技术验证加工过程 63
5.1 数控加工仿真技术概述 63
5.2 数控加工仿真技术的操作步骤 64
5.3 加工仿真的验证: 67
5.4 本章总结 69
第六章 总结与展望 70
6.1 论文总结 70
6.2后续展望 70
致 谢 72

  • 毕业设计-航空多腔类典型零件加工及数控机床仿真的研究
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