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衡阳财经工业职业技术学院2009-2010学年第2学期《英语》课程考试试卷及答案B卷,适用专业:电子电器、 旅游酒店管理
一、Choose the proper answers to fill in the blanks。选择题 .(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
【 】1.Bob and his parentsdid’nt___________(A .go B.went,C.gone )to the local museum yesterday.
【 】2. He __________ (A.love, B. loves, C.loved) playing basketball.
【 】3.She __________ (A.don’t , B. doesn’t, D.didn’t) like collecting stamps .
【 】4.How about (A.visit,B.visiting,C.to visit)a big city?
【 】5. Can I get there __________ (A.to , B.by, C.on) bus?
【 】6.He asked me (A.when, B.where, C.how)I lived.
【 】7.Mike has been ill _______ (A.for,B.since, C.to) three days.
【 】8 There __________ (A.is, B.am, C.are) a pen and some books on the desk.
【 】9.Dad is back. That’s _________ (A.she, B. her, C.his) coat..
【 】10.Let’s ___________(A.have , B.has,C. had)a rest.
二、Choose the proper answers to complete the dialogues。完成对话(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)
Dialogue A.用所给单词的适当的形式完成对话).(A.rush, B. traffic jam,
C. comfortable , D. exciting, E. improve)
A:How long have you been in HongKong?
B:I have been here for a week.
A;Have you visited Disneyland?
B:Yes ,Disneyland was an 11_________place.But I went there by taxi in the 12________hourand the 13________was terrible.The taxi just couldn’t move.
A:I see. The transportation in HongKong really needs to 14________.How long did it take to get there?
B;Well,it took me two hours.And it was very expensive.
A:Try the subway next time.It is very fast and 15_________.
  • 衡阳财经工业职业技术学院2009-2010学年第2学期《英语》课程考试试题及答案
    • Microsoft Word文档英语期末考试试卷(有答案).doc  [69.50KB]
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