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  • 资源分类:文化课
  • 适用专业:英语
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:djie2013
  • 文件格式:word
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  • 上传时间:2013-4-19 0:04:31
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毕业论文-英语标识语的特征及翻译(English logo features and translation),共23页,7361字,31791字符

Abstract:With the integration of the global scale continues to expand, as an international language expression of the symbol, the English logo is attracting more and more attention. In the course of urbanization, the logo language is also in people's production and life, tourism, transportation, which is playing a more and more important role. In a sense, and standardized logo is a city the embodiment of the degree of internationalization. Construction international metropolis, accomplish truly and the international community, need to have good international language environment, thus to improve and enhance the translation quality logo is we urgent important tasks. English logo concise, precise and standard has unique pragmatic characteristics. Research and analysis and master the language of sign language characteristics and style, summarizes the translation models and will sign language model in Chinese translation of translators in the process of translating the semantic understanding, choosing words, appearing in the precise, translate verve plays a very important role. This topic was to explore the English logo pragmatic characteristics, to explore different language and culture background, the English translation of the logo different preferences, so as to improve and to improve the English translation of the quality marks.
Keywords:English logo, Features, Translation

Abstract 1
1.Introduction 2
1.1 History of English logo 2
1.2 Definition of Signs 3
1.3 Functions of Signs 4
2.The English logo of language characteristics and style 6
2.1 Express concise accurate 6
2.2 Use of Static vocabulary 6
2.3 Use of acronym 7
2.4 Use of Popular vocabulary 7
2.5 Use of Standard vocabulary 7
2.6 Use of Sentences and text 8
2.7 Use of present tense 8
2.8 Combination of Words and Symbols or Images 9
2.9 Use of Imperatives 10
2.10 Use of Various styles 10
3 .Chinese-English English logo comparative analysis 11
3.1 Different forms of modify of the head noun 11
3.2 Different expression of Angle 12
3.3 Symmetrical structure and asymmetric structure 12
3.4 "No/do not + verb" structure and "No + nouns” structure 13
3.5 Active form and passive form 13
4. Logo translation principles 14
4.1 Accuracy principle 14
4.2 Conciseness 14
4.3 Context priority principle 15
4.4 Courtesy principle 15
4.5 Cross-cultural traditional principles 16
4.6 Warning principles 16
4.7 Protective principle 17
5. Interpretive scheme of English logo 17
5.1 Translation mode of place name 18
5.2 Translation mode of enterprise or business unit name 18
5.3 Translation mode of tourism scenic spot name 19
5.4 Translation mode of the meeting title 19
5.5 Translation mode of the restaurant name 20
6. Conclusion 20
Bibliography 21
Acknowledgements 22

  • 毕业论文-英语标识语的特征及翻译
    • Microsoft Word文档毕业论文-英语标识语的特征及翻译.doc  [829.50KB]
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