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摘 要


Hotel as labor-intensive service-oriented enterprises, the staff is the most valuable asset, hotel of the wealth and business. Control the loss of talented people is the survival and development of industry sticking to the base. The right proportion of movement of personnel, can enhance the hotel vigor; But beyond a certain proportion, flow if the influence of hotel is undoubtedly more harm than good. But with the rapid development of economy, the staff of high turnover has struggled with the problem of hotel managers, especially the gradual loss of high-quality talents in China has become the obstacles for sustainable development of industry of a extremely disadvantageous factors. Aiming at the hotels in China industry personnel loss in economy, the phenomenon of service quality and its staff that the morale of the hotel on the negative effects of list, and investigates from seasonal, employees age structure and cultural system within the hotel to produce the reasons of this phenomenon, and analyzes the problems in fundamentally solved of our starting point put forward some policies, such as strengthening enterprise human resources management, perfecting the salary system and establishing the enterprise culture, etc. Influenced by our country in the influence of traditional concepts, the hotel industry is the service industry, long-term since, service industry is people recognized that low position, "reminder" industries, and unstable, lack of long-term, so service personnel from the respect they deserve and even discrimination. Plus the hotels in China just started, people’s conception and the quality of staff training are not keeping up with the development speed of the hotel, so this is one of the important hotel staff erosion of reason. Additional compensation standards are generally low, lack of the profession competitive power, working intensity big, humanities environmental difference, hotel talent cultivation mechanism imperfect, rewards and punishment system is not perfected etc also influence factors of employee turnover. Some employees in order to realize its value, and seek the life experience and choose to leave the hotel industry. State-owned, stock split and foreign capital, etc. The management mechanism of different hotel enterprise and employee compensation difference is bigger also staffs loss industry is one of the important factors.

Key words: employees erosion, cause analysis, hotel management, hotel enterprise culture,

第一章 绪论 1
*1.1研究的背景 1
*1.2国内外研究综述 2
*1.3研究的方法和手段 2
第二章 饭店员工流失现状 4
* 饭店员工流失的现状 11
* 饭店员工流失带来的影响 11
第三章 饭店员工流失原因的调查 4
*3.1 调查的目的 9
*3.2 问卷设计与样本选择 9
*3.3 样本选择与问卷发放 11
*3.3.1 问卷发放与回收 11
*3.3.2 问卷信度和效度分析 11
*3.4 样本分布 11
*3.5 调查结果 11
*3.5.1 分析方法 11
*3.5.2 调查结果 11
*3.5.3 调查结果分析 11
第四章 饭店员工流失原因的分析 14
*4.1 饭店员工流失的原因分析 14
*4.1.1 寻求更高的报酬 11
*4.1.2 寻求更好的发展机会 11
*4.1.3 寻求更优的工作环境 11
*4.1.4 人们的观念问题 11
*4.1.5 个体原因 11
*4.2 酒店员工流失的外部原因 14
*4.2.1 受我国传统观念的影响 9
*4.2.2 季节性的影响 11
*4.3 酒店员工流失的内部原因 9
*4.3.1 与酒店员工的年龄结构有关 11
*4.3.2 员工对薪酬的不满 11
*4.3.3 缺乏良好的企业文化,员工没有归宿感 11
*4.3.4 员工的忠诚度和价值取向 11
*4.3.5 饭店经营 11
*4.4 饭店员工流失原因的调查 14
*4.4.1 分析方法 9
*4.4.2 调查结果 9
第五章 预防酒店人员流失的对策 31
*5.1 健全企业薪酬制度,完善人才选拔机制 1
*5.2 建立良好的企业文化 2
*5.3 为员工的成长进行科学的职业生涯辅导和培训 2
*5.4 建立客观公正的绩效考评和激励机制 2
*5.5 培养员工对企业的归属感 2
*5.6 制定以人为本的管理理念 2

参考文献 33
附录Ⅰ饭店企业员工流失问题调查问卷1 35
附录Ⅱ饭店企业员工流失问题调查问卷2 37
  • 毕业论文-饭店员工流失原因的调查与分析
    • Microsoft Word文档饭店员工流失原因的调查与分析.doc  [759.00KB]
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