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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计制造及自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:daniao2207
  • 文件格式:word+Autocad
  • 文件大小:881.65KB
  • 上传时间:2011-5-10 11:56:36
  • 下载次数:4
  • 浏览次数:154

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

摘 要
The aggregate machine-tool is with according to the serialized standardization design general part and according to is processed the special purpose machine which the components the shape and the processing technological requirement design's special-purpose part composes. Combines the locomotive is develops by the general purpose machines and the special purpose machine, it both has the special purpose machine, the structure simple characteristic, and has the general purpose machines to be able to readjust, adapts the new work piece processing characteristic. The composition aggregate machine-tool's general part has the following several kinds: Power unit - - power head, power sliding table and power box; The work piece ships the part - - rotary table, moves the work table and the rotation drum wheel; Support unit - - column, lathe bed, foundation and slide rails and so on. The control system has the general hydraulic gear, the electricity wind chest, the control board and so on. Compare with the general purpose machines and the special purpose machine, have the following characteristic: 1. because the aggregate machine-tool is composed of 70~80% general spare parts, in needs time, it may the part or carries on the re-equipping completely, composes adapts the new processing request new equipment. That is, the aggregate machine-tool has the superiority which re-equips, its general spare part may many times the reuse. 2. the aggregate machine-tool is designs specially according to the concrete processing object. Therefore may carry on the processing according to the most reasonable technological process. This often is 3. which is not easy to realize it realizes the centralism working procedure best way on the general purpose machines in the group, is raises the production efficiency the effective equipment. Gathers on the engine bed to be possible simultaneously to use from several directions many carries on the cutting tool to several work pieces the processing. It realizes the centralism working procedure best way, is raises the production efficiency the effective equipment. 4. the aggregate machine-tool is frequently with multiple spindle to box body components surface on permits porous simultaneously carries on the processing. This can the quite good guarantee various between accuracy requirement, improve the product quality; Reduced transporting between the work piece, the improvement work condition; Also reduced engine bed's area. 5. because the aggregate machine-tool mostly book spare part is the similar general part, this simplified engine bed's service. When necessity may replace the entire part, raises engine bed's service speed. 6. aggregate machine-tool's general part may organize the special factory centralism production. This may use the special-purpose highly effective equipment to carry on the processing, is advantageous in enhances the general part's performance, reduces the production cost.
Keywords: Aggregate machine-tool; Box body, jig
目 录
第1章 绪论 3
第1.1节 组合机床的设计及其设计意义 3
第1.2节 组合机床的国内外发展趋势 6
1.2.1 国内发展状况 6
1.2.2 国外发展状况 9
第1.3 节 机床设计方案的提出、内容、要求 12
1.3.1设计方案的提出 12
1.3.2 设计内容 13
1.3.3 设计要求 13
第1.4节 机床的设计步骤 14
1.4.1 调查研究 14
1.4.2 总体方案设计 15
1.4.3 技术设计 16
1.4.4 工作设计 16
第2章 组合机床的总体设计 17
第2.1 节 组合机床工艺方案的制定 17
2.1.1加工工艺方案的分析. 17
2.1.2影响机床工艺方案制定的主要因素 18
第2.2节 确定切削用量及选择刀具 19
2.2.1 确定工序间余量 19
2.2.2 选择切削用量 19
2.2.3 确定切削力,切削扭矩、,切削功率,电动机的选型 20
第2.3节 钻孔组合机床总设计“三图一卡”的编制 21
2.3.1 被加工零件工序图 22
2.3.2 加工示意图 23
2.3.3 机床联系尺寸图 27
2.3.4 机床生产率计算卡 28
第3章 组合机床多轴箱的设计 32
第3.1节 多轴箱的内部结构 32
第3.2节 多轴箱设计原始依据图 33
第3.3节 齿轮的确定及其动力计算 33
第3.4节 多轴传动设计 34
3.4.1画出驱动轴、扳手轴,各主轴坐标位置。如下表: 34
3.4.2传动计算 35
第3.5节 绘制传动系统图 44
第3.6节 传动零件的校核 轴及其轴承 45
3.6.1 轴的校核 45
3.6.2 轴承的校核 47
第4章 夹具设计 48
第4.1节 机床夹具的概述 48
4.1.1机床夹具的组成 48
第4.2节 机床夹具的类型 49
第4.3节 工件结构特点分析 49
第4.4节 工件定位方案和定位元件的设计 50
第4.5节 夹紧方案和夹紧元件的设计 50
第4.6节 夹具的性能及优点 51
第4.7节 夹具体的设计 51
第4.8节 钻模板及其挡块的设计 52
第4.9节 夹紧力的确定 52
第4.10节 夹具误差及其精度分析计算 53
第4.11节 夹具操作的简要说明 55
参考文献 56
附录 57
翻译 62
结论 78
致谢 79
  • 毕业设计-涡轮蜗杆螺纹孔加工专用钻床设计
    • 理工06-1班 于伟 22061277
      • 理工06-1班 于伟 22061277
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