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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:生物农医
  • 适用专业:工业工程
  • 适用年级:大四
  • 上传用户:茫然の君
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:110.91KB
  • 上传时间:2010-5-7 23:52:34
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:90

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摘 要

关键词:工作研究 方法研究 作业测定 流程程序分析 动素分析

Papers for garlic production in agriculture, industrial processes, such as operations and movements, from modern agricultural production point of view, the use of qualitative and quantitative analysis to the combination of methods, determination of the integrated use of operations of a wide range of modern management theories and methods, the production of garlic The unreasonable to improve the situation. In this paper, the application of program analysis program analysis process in the production of garlic to improve the adjustment process, and has played an immediate effect, followed by analysis of the application of analysis of motilin improved garlic Garlic dig into it and used for the analysis of MOD improved planting Garlic is also made of both played a very good results. Finally, garlic cultivation to improve the effectiveness of the process of summing up. In this paper, the whole production of garlic to improve their蒜农reduces labor intensity, reduced the production costs of garlic, garlic to enhance the production efficiency and improved types of garlic are garlic productor enthusiasm. In other words, the completion of this article on garlic production has played a very good results.
Key words: Work Study Method Study Determination of Operation Process of Program Analysis Analysis of motilin Modolar Arrangement of predetermind Time Standard
目 录
1 导论 4
1.1选题的背景和研究意义 4
1.2国内外研究现状简述 5
1.3研究内容和预期达到的目标 8
2 研究理论与方法 9
2.1工作研究 9
2.2方法研究 11
2.3作业测定 13
3 大蒜种植知识介绍 15
3.1大蒜简介 15
3.2现行大蒜种植工序简介 16
4 大蒜种植中的改善研究 20
4.1大蒜种植流程程序分析 20
4.2动素分析在蒜头刨成蒜瓣作业中的改善研究 25
4.3 MOD法在栽种蒜瓣工序中的改善研究 32
5 总结 43
结 束 语 44
致 谢 45
参考文献: 46
  • 毕业论文-工作研究在大蒜种植中的应用
    • Microsoft Word文档孙文茂的论文.doc  [1.31MB]
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