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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计制造及自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehai
  • 文件格式:word+autocad+ppt
  • 文件大小:2.76MB
  • 上传时间:2014-6-26 2:03:00
  • 下载次数:0
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安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全


摘 要
本次毕业设计的题目是叉形件工艺及车床夹具设计。主要的设计思路是:分析零件的特点、拟订合理的工艺规程,选择适当的机床、设计合理的夹具。在机械加工零件中如果能广泛地使用夹具,就能极大的节省加工时所用的时间,以减轻工人的劳动量,提高劳动生产率和产品的质量。 设计夹具一般先对原始材料进行分析,明确设计的要求和意图,然后提出具体的定位和夹紧方案及车床夹具设计。本文5号莫氏锥体(锥柄式心轴)和弹簧片自动定心装置来保证设计的可靠,最后还对夹具的精度进行了分析。

This graduation design topic is fork and lathe fixture design process .The main design way of thinking BE: the feature of the parts is analyzed so as to plan the reasonable process and select the corresponding machine and jig. Machined parts if they can widely used fixture, you can greatly save the auxiliary time when the processing in order to reduce the amount of labor of workers, improve labor productivity and product quality. Design fixture first general analysis of the raw materials, design requirements and intentions clear, and then propose specific positioning and clamping programs ,. lathe fixture design process .Positioning an article using 5 Morse cone structure to ensure the reliability of the design, but also on the accuracy of the clamp is analyzed.
This graduation design is profession course of theories study and after practice of the last teaching link, pass this design to learn profession course of the theories take in to synthesize and increase produce to practice knowledge, pass by training of machine design, develop and raise thus personal independence work of ability. Make stronger and enlarged the related course contents. Control the method and step of its design. Checked a great deal of machine book in the design, toughen in this process and raised the basic technical ability of machine design, such as calculation, paint, check design data and manual; Acquaint with standard and other of the machine design relevant of standard and norm, and take in to carry through in the design, to after time's work and study beat under solid foundation.
KEY WORDS: Fork , Process planning,Machine tool fixtures

目 录
前 言 1
第一章 零件的分析 2
1.1 零件的作用 2
1.2 零件的结构与工艺分析 2
第二章 工艺规程设计 5
2.1确定毛坯的制造形式 5
2.2 基准的选择 5
2.2.1粗基准的选择 5
2.2.2精基准的选择 6
2.3加工阶段的划分 6
2.3.1零件加工阶段的划分 6
2.3.2 工序的集中与分散 7
2.4 制定工艺路线及方案 7
2.5 机械加工余量、工序尺寸的确定 10
2.6尺寸链的计算 11
第三章 车床夹具设计 13
3.1夹具结构和类型 15
3.2工件自由度分析 16
3.3定位基准的选择 17
3.4车床夹具结构 17
3.5夹具精度分析 18
3.6夹具设计及操作的简要说明 20
第四章 全文总结 21
参 考 文 献 22
致 谢 23
毕 业 设 计 小 结 24
附 录 26

  • 毕业设计-叉形件工艺及车床夹具设计
    • Microsoft Word文档刘立毕业设计说明书.doc  [479.60KB]
    • Microsoft Word文档叉形件加工工艺规程.doc  [1.24MB]
    • Microsoft Powerpoint演示文稿叉形件工艺及其车床夹具设计PPT.ppt  [530.00KB]
    • AutoCAD工程图纸文件叉形件零件图.dwg  [93.84KB]
    • AutoCAD工程图纸文件圆盘.dwg  [104.52KB]
    • Microsoft Word文档外文翻译.doc  [2.38MB]
    • AutoCAD工程图纸文件车床夹具.dwg  [166.47KB]
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