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  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计制造及自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehai
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  • 上传时间:2014-6-25 0:00:42
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摘 要
随着计算机技术的发展和信息技术与课程的整合,信息化教育越来越受到人们的关注。多媒体教学的使用,迫切需要将传统的键盘输入转化为手写输入以提高课堂的教学效率。但由于手写数学公式本身的特点,如数学符号的相似字符较多,而且一些比较复杂的数学公式存在着上/下标的定位问题,导致了手写数学公式的识别会相对困难一些。 一个手写的数学公式识别系统,总体上分为字符识别和公式的结构分析两个主要的步骤。其中,字符识别是公式识别的基础。字符识别分类器的设计直接影响到识别系统的识别率。而结构分析是公式识别的关键。 本文第一章介绍了数学公式的研究背景,国内外的研究现状以及相关的一些商业化的产品,介绍了数学公式识别的一般步骤以及本文所做的工作。 介绍了一般数学符号的预处理和特征提取,以及本文所提出的预处理方法和边界特征提取方法和变换进行高维空间的降维,和一些常用的字符识别的一些方法,提出了组合分类器的思想,以及本文所用的最小距离分类器和改进的神经网络算法对数学符号的识别,目的是在能够识别数学公式的基础上,增加了学习的功能,以便今后识别能力的扩展。然后对数学公式识别的结构分析和数学公式的输出做了阐述。主要介绍了自己如何设计并实现印刷体数学公式识别系统,提出了自己的设计思路与模块划分并编写程序实现。

With the integration of computer technology and the development of information technology and curriculum, information technology education has been paid more and more attention. The use of multimedia teaching, the urgent need to the traditional keyboard input into the handwriting input to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching. But because the handwriting characteristics of mathematical formula itself, such as the similar characters more mathematical symbols, and some of the more complex mathematical formulas exist problems / subscript position, led to the recognition of handwritten mathematical formula will be harder. A handwritten mathematical formula recognition system, two main steps in the analysis structure is divided into character recognition and the general formula. Among them, character recognition is the basis of formula recognition. Design of character recognition classifier directly affect the recognition system. The structure analysis is the key formula recognition. In this paper, the first chapter introduces the research background of handwritten mathematical formula, the domestic and international research status and some business related to the mathematical formula recognition, introduces the general steps and the work done in this paper. The pretreatment and feature extraction, the general mathematical symbols, as well as the pretreatment methods and boundary features in high dimension space of dimension reduction method of extraction and transformation in this paper, introduces some common methods of character recognition, the classifier, and identification of neural network BP algorithm used in this paper, the minimum distance classifier and the improvement of mathematical symbols, the purpose is to recognize mathematical formula, increases the learning function, extended for future identification ability. Then the output structure analysis and mathematical formula of mathematical formula recognition. Mainly introduced how to design and realize the handwritten mathematical formula recognition system, and proposes a new design and module partition their and programming.
This paper makes a research on the formula analysis and recognition part, mainly from the following several aspects of the improvement:
In the stage of formula character recognition, according to the characteristics of the proposed formula, a formula for character segmentation algorithm based on connected domain search, and the formula of the character recognition result feedback is applied to segment the character, in order to improve quality of character segmentation, the segmentation algorithm used in the experiment has achieved fairly good results.
In the formula structure analysis, to identify the formula character based on the results, according to the structure character, the "top-down" and "bottom-up" thought of the method of combining mathematical formula structure analysis. Constructing mathematical formula for the symbol relation tree.
KEYWORDS: formula recognition, two-dimensional grammar, mathematical formula recognition, structure analysis

摘 要 II
第1章 前 言 1
1.1课题研究的背景和意义 1
1.2国内外公式识别研究状况和进展 2
1.3数学公式识别技术所要解决的问题以及采用的方法 3
1.4数学公式识别技术研究取得的成果及意义 4
1.4.1符号识别的方法 4
1.4.2符号分割 5
1.4.3分隔符的识别 5
第2章数学公式识别系统概况 6
2.1数学公式的特点 6
2.1.1数学公式中的符号 6
2.1.2数学公式的运算符号 6
2.1.3含义的不确定性 7
2.2数学公式识别系统的组成结构 7
2.3数学公式识别的难点 9
第3章 数学公式识别的相关技术 10
3.1图像预处理 10
3.1.1图像的二值化处理 10
3.1.2图像的平滑去噪 10
3.1.3图像的细化 11
3.2常用的几种字符切分方法 11
3.2.1基于结构分析的切分 12
3.2.2以识别为基础的切分 12
3.3粘连字符的切分 14
3.3.1基于外部特征的粘连字符切分 14
3.4数学公式识别中常见的错误 14
第4章 公式分析与识别 16
4.1公式字符识别 16
4.1.1预处理 16
4.1.2公式字符的切分 17
4.1.3公式符号归一化 23
4.1.4公式字符的识别 23
4.2 公式结构分析 25
4.2.1结构分析预处理 25
4.2.2结构信息预处理 26
4.2.3公式结构分析算法的实现 30
4.2.4公式结构分析结果 31
第5章 总结 34
5.1论文总结 34
5.2下一步工作 34
致 谢 36
参考文献 37
毕业设计小结 40

  • 毕业设计-数学公式识别技术研究
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