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硕士论文-Accordance and Violation of Language Economy as Reflected from Network Catchwords(从网络流行语看语言经济原则的遵循),共76页,26659字(128512字符)
摘 要

 Language reflects the change of time. Network catchword, as a new kind of dialect, reflects the change of the network time to a certain extent. It has a close connection with modern people’s life and thinking mode. It is the real revelation of the web cams’ inner sentiment. Language variation is directly the real record of their values. Therefore, network catchword is to a certain extent refracting the trajectory of a social economy. Similar to new words, network catchword reflects promptly the changes of the most recent vocabulary and time. It is a mirror of society, politics, economy, and culture. At the same time, the economical development can also impel a massive emergence of the network catchword. Social change often causes cultural change. Language change is the best manifestation of it. Network catchword as a new variant of language can better reflect people’s psychological change opportunely and different pursuit of culture. Therefore, it can also affect the vicissitude of the social culture.
 Network catchword is a product of the information age. It is a widespread language in the hypothesized world. It follows the principle of economy in varied degrees from its production, its development and its word construction to its dissemination. However, network language is very capricious because it is not subjected to restrictions of grammar. Its intrinsic logic is also unable to compare with the traditional standard language. As a result, many ambiguous languages violate the principle of language economy to a certain degree.
 This study has carried on a comprehensive analysis of factors that affect the popularity of the network catchword on the foundation of the previous studies. We conduct a thorough analysis of network catchword’s definition, characteristic, and especially the two aspects of its accordation and violation of language economy and draw the following conclusion:
 To the user of the network catchword, the more economical the language is, the more practical it becomes. Therefore, their user favors economical language more than any other kind of language. But to the receiver of the network catchword, the more the user follows the economical principle, the more efforts they must pay to understand it better. The reason that the receiver must pay more efforts is because the network catchword of the user violates the principle of language economy. This is precisely the basic condition for network catchword to be popular in society.
Key words: network catchword; economical principle; accordance; violation

Abstract i
Contents 1
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Research Significance 1
1.2 Research Purpose 2
Chapter Two Literature Review 3
2.1 Previous Researches 3
2.2 Definition of Network Catchwords 6
2.3 Characteristics of Network Catchwords 11
Chapter Three Accordance and Violation of Language Economy of Network Catchwords 27
3.1 Relations between Network Catchword and Network Dialect 27
3.2 Network Catchwords and Culture Communication 31
3.3 Accordance of Language Economy 45
3.4 Violation of the Language Economy 51
Chapter Four Developing Tendency 62
Chapter Five Conclusion 64
5.1 Major Finding 64
5.2 Limitation 64
Bibliorgraphy 65
Acknowledgements 68
攻读学位期间发表的学术论文 69

  • 硕士论文-Accordance and Violation of Language Economy as Reflected from Network Catchwords
    • Microsoft Word文档毕业论文:从网络流行语看语言经济原则的遵循.doc  [317.50KB]
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