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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计制造及自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:595440588
  • 文件格式:word+Autocad
  • 文件大小:943.00KB
  • 上传时间:2011-5-10 14:36:37
  • 下载次数:6
  • 浏览次数:102

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

摘 要
在国内,平均每年需求各种不同规格的调度绞车数万台,因此,改进质量,降低成本对调度绞车的开发具有重要意义。在本次设计中,把行星传动原理知识运用到设计中,其结构设计新颖紧凑,效率高,承载能力强。它具有简化整体结构降低成本,节约能源,改善传动性能及维修方便等优点。从而使系统传动结构大为简化,结构更加紧凑,产品成本可降低20% 左右。设计的这种调度绞车是一种很有发展前途的绞车。为JD55绞车加一个辅助制动器,增加JD55绞车的制动力,用于小型斜井的主提升中,在突然发生事故时,使绞车能够紧急制动而避免发生跑车事故。
In the domestic every year,it needs kinds of different specification of the winch which counts about ten thousand sets on average.Therefore,improving quantity and declining the cost will be very important to the machine development.So the driving construction of the system will become more simplification and the whole construction will become more reasonable.The cost of the new product will be lower by 20 percent.So the new car hauler will be more popular in the machine department.To add an auxiliary brake on JD55 winch system for a small upgrade of the main shaft to increase power, especially in emergency situations, so that the emergency brake and the winch to avoid car accident.
Key words:winch;planetary gear reducer;design;calculate
目 录
Abstract ....II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题的意义 .......................1
1.2 调度绞车简介....................1
1.3 调度绞车主要用途和应用领域......3
1.4 设计的创新之处..................3
第2章 电机的选择及总传动比和配齿的确定 ..........4
2.1 电动机的选择....................4
2.3 总传动比的确定 .................5
2.4 行星齿轮传动的配齿计算 .........5
2.5 传动方案的比较与选择............6
第3章 齿轮和轴的计算与校核 ...........8
3.1 齿轮的计算与校核 ..............8
3.1.1 第一级a、c齿轮的计算与校核 .8
3.1.2 第一级b、c齿轮的计算与校核 16
3.1.3 第二级a、c齿轮的计算与校核 25
3.1.4 第二级b、c齿轮的计算与校核 33
3.1.5 归纳总结行星传动的参数 ...41
3.2 传动主轴基本参数的计算 .......42
第4章 标准件的选择与校核 ............45
4.1 平键联结的强度校核计算 .......45
4.2 轴承寿命计算 .................46
4.3 联轴器的选择.................47
第5章 润滑 .49
结论 .......50
致谢 .......51
参考文献 ...52
Abstract ...........I
Chapter 1 Introduction........ 1
1.1 The significance of topic .....................1
1.2 The introduction of scheduling winch..1
1.3 Scheduling the main uses and applications winch..........3
1.4 Design innovations......3
Chapter 2 Motor and the total transmission ratio..................4
2.1 Motor selection ..........4
2.2 Motor base ..................4
2.3 Determination of the total transmission ratio..................5
2.4 Planetary gear drive with gear calculation......................5
2.5 Comparison and determination of transmission scheme6
Chapter 3 Calculation of gear and shaft and check...............8
3.1 Calculation and checking gear .............8
3.1.1 First-class a, c gear calculation and checking........ 8
3.1.2 First-class b, c gear calculation and checking ......16
3.1.3 Second-class b, c gear calculation and checking..25
3.1.4 Second-class b, c gear calculation and checking..33
3.1.5 Summarize the parameters of planetary gear .......41
3.2 Spindle basic parameters.....................42
Chapter 4 Selection and Validation of standard parts.........45
4.1 Bond strength calculation...................45
4.2 Bearing life calculation.....................46
4.3 Choice of coupling................47
Chapter 5 Lubricating..........49
  • 毕业设计-JD55调度绞车设计
    • 调度绞车毕业设计
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件传动主轴零件图.dwg  [147.44KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件修改后的传动图.dwg  [228.90KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件刹车装配图.dwg  [159.06KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件刹车部件图.dwg  [98.23KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档唐说明书.doc  [1.49MB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件尺寸修改后装配图.dwg  [298.96KB]
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