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硕士毕业设计 道路沥青的老化与再生研究(共69页,34156字)
摘 要
With the freeway volumes and natural environment, property of flexible pavements deteriorates gradually owing to asphalt aging and aggregate finning and structure changing of asphalt pavement. Therefore, lots of pavements need to repair in large-scale even repave wholly after using a long time, which will bring large numbers of waste asphalt mixture. Therefore, it is important to regenerate the waste asphalt mixture in order to protect environment and economize resource. But one of the difficulties of recycling waste asphalt mixture is evaluating the characters of old asphalt, the other is producing excellent recycling agent according to the mechanism of the asphalt aging.
This paper studied the influence of heat, oxygen and UV-light on chemical component and physical properties of asphalt through thin film oven test (TFOT), UV-irradiation test and long-time oxidation test. The results showed that changes of content of saturants, aromatics and asphaltenes were similar during the three kinds of aging test, i.e. the saturants content almost kept invariable, the aromatics content obviously decreased and the asphaltenes content remarkably increased. However, the change of resin content was different , it increased in long-time oxidation test but decreased in the other aging test .
Based on the conclusion of aging test and the properties of the recovered asphalt, two kinds of recycling agents (named A and B respectively) were prepared in this paper. The property of the regenerated asphalt was investigated. The result indicated that the properties of regenerated asphalt added recycling agent B were better than that of regenerated asphalt added recycling agent A. The character of regenerated asphalt meet to criterion of road asphalt after 20wt% recycling agent was added. Meanwhile, the aging resistance of the regenerated asphalt was good.
Using hot-in plant recycling, the influence of recycling agent on the property of regenerated asphalt mixture was investigated. The results showed that the volume properties and performance of resisting damage of moisture of regenerated asphalt mixture were improved by adding the recycling agent. Splitting test indicated the low temperature property was improved. Tests of Marshall stability and immersion Marshall about regenerated asphalt mixture indicated the technical parameters of regenerated asphalt mixture met to the standard of hot-mixed asphalt mixture while the content of waste asphalt mixture was 20wt% and 30wt% respectively
Key words: asphalt, UV-irradiation aging, long-time oxidation aging , regenerating of asphalt , regenerated asphalt mixture
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 废旧沥青路面再生利用的意义与研究现状 1
1.2道路沥青老化与再生的研究现状 3
1.2.1国内外对沥青老化的研究现状 4
1.2.2国内外对沥青再生的研究现状及再生剂的开发 5
1.3论文的研究意义与主要研究内容 6
第2章 道路沥青的再生机理与再生方法 8
2.1沥青基本理论知识概述 8
2.1.1 沥青的化学组分 8
2.1.2道路沥青的基本性质 9
2.1.3 道路沥青的技术指标 10
2.2 沥青溶液的相关理论知识 12
2.2.1 沥青的胶体结构 12
2.2.2沥青质与可溶质的性质对沥青胶体结构的影响 14
2.3 道路沥青的再生 14
2.3.1道路沥青的再生机理 14
2.3.2再生剂的功能 15
2.3.3 再生剂的技术指标 15
2.3.4道路沥青的再生方法 16
第3章 沥青老化性能研究 17
3.1 概述 17
3.2 实验部分 17
3.2.1实验原料 17
3.2.2 组分分析与性能测试 18
3.2.3实验内容 19
3.3结果与讨论 19
3.3.1 长期光氧老化 19
3.3.2薄膜烘箱老化 26
3.3.3 长期热氧老化 31
3.4.小结 36
第4章 沥青的回收与再生 37
4.1再生剂的制备 37
4.1.1废旧沥青回收方法 37
4.1.2 再生剂的选择与复配 39
4.2再生沥青的调配与性能研究 40
4.2.1实验原料 40
4.2.2 实验部分 40
4.2.3结果与讨论 41
4.3 再生沥青老化性能研究 43
4.3.1 实验部分 43
4.3.2 结果与讨论 44
4.4 小结 46
第5章 再生沥青混合料路用性能研究 47
5.1 引言 47
5.2 旧沥青路面再生技术 47
5.3再生沥青混合料路用性能试验方案 48
5.3.1试验设计 49
5.3.2结果与讨论 52
5.4 小结 56
第6章 结 论 57
参 考 文 献 58
附录:硕士期间发表的论文 61
致 谢 62
  • 毕业设计-道路沥青的老化与再生研究
    • Microsoft Word文档道路沥青的老化与再生研究-武汉理工大学硕士毕业论文.doc  [4.53MB]
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