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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计制造及其自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehai
  • 文件格式:word+autocad
  • 文件大小:1.13MB
  • 上传时间:2016/6/21 4:18:56
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:2

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全


关键词: 离心机; 转鼓壁; 转鼓底; 刹车

This graduation design topic is the design of phi 600 mechanical overturned centrifuge. In the design, we must first know centrifuges working principle, the control circuit is connected with the drum is driven to rotate the motor, through the belt drive the rotary drum to rotate, drum rotates to make the material of solid-liquid separation, liquid through the bottom of the centrifuge tube for discharging liquid outflow, remained in the solid walls of the basket, then by the control circuit is connected to the overturned motor enable centrifuge flip poured out solid, thus completing the separation of the whole process.
The development of the centrifuge has a long history, the first centrifuge in Germany in 1830s. At a later time, the core technology development of centrifuge obtained great progress, structure is more and more rigorous, smaller and smaller, separation efficiency of geometric fold increase in the centrifuge in the production process application scope to greatly enhance.
Centrifuge is the use of centrifugal rotor high-speed rotation of the strong centrifugal force, to speed up the settling velocity of particles in the liquid, the sample in the different sedimentation coefficient and the buoyancy of the density of material points to leave. When the suspending liquid containing fine particles is not moved, the suspended particles are gradually sinking due to the action of the gravitational field. The heavier the particle, the faster the sinking, and the smaller particles will float on the contrary. The velocity of particles moving in the gravitational field is related to the size, shape and density of particles, and is related to the strength of gravity field and the viscosity of the liquid. Particles, such as the size of the red blood cells, can be a few microns in diameter, and they can be observed under normal gravity.
Tipping discharge centrifuge is a three-foot centrifuge discharge on the basis of research and development from a new type of centrifuge. It has a strong adaptability of materials, easy to operate, while overcoming a three-foot upper discharging centrifuge labor-intensive, low efficiency shortcomings, while avoiding Scraper centrifuges and screen scraping when unloading the disadvantage to destroy its crystal powder, the most suitable material for loose crystal quartz sand, chemicals, pharmaceutical intermediates, separation of dehydration; vegetables, clothing fabrics and other materials dehydration; metal cutting, grinding powder de-oiled; plating parts, hardware and other civil acid eluent products.
Design I drum wall thickness calculation, calculation of liquid plate stopped, design of drum bottom, power calculation and motor, belt drive design and the selection of the, spindle design and strength check, bearing selection, turn to frame the design and strength calculation, structure design and strength calculation of the brake, overturned transmission part of the design and calculation, and the other some design calculation. And then understand the various parts of the centrifuge structure and their material requirements, and finally to the overall assessment of the centrifuge. Use AutoCAD to draw mechanical knockturn centrifuge centrifuge clutch structure, overall assembly drawing.
Key words :Centrifuge; Drum Wall; Drum Bottom; Brake

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1离心机概述 1
1.2三足离心机市场发展 2
1.3论文离心机数据 3
第二章 离心机转鼓的强度计算 4
2.1转鼓强度计算与校核 4
2.1.1转鼓体壁厚的计算 4
2.1.2液板壁厚计算 5
第三章 功率计算 6
3.1所有回转件质量、质心及转动惯量计算 6
3.1.1拦液板直边段 6
3.1.2拦液板锥形段 6
3.1.3转鼓壁 7
3.1.4加强箍 7
3.1.5转鼓 8
3.1.6总体计算 9
3.2功率的计算与电机的选择 10
3.2.1启动转鼓等转动件所需功率N1 10
3.2.2启动物料所需的功率N2 10
3.2.3克服轴与轴承摩擦所需的功率N3 11
3.2.4克服转鼓、物料与空气摩擦所需的功率N4 11
3.2.5间歇运转的离心机启动阶段消耗的功率N5 11
第四章 皮带传动的设计与校核 13
4.1皮带及皮带轮的设计计算 13
4.1.1材料的选择 13
4.1.2设计步骤 13
4.2带轮的设计 15
4.2.1强度的计算及校核 15
4.2.2接触强度公式校核 18
第五章 主轴的设计计算 20
5.1主轴的结构设计 20
5.1.1选择的材料 20
5.1.2轴的结构设计 20
5.2主轴的受力分析 20
5.2.1根据受力列方程 20
5.2.2主轴的强度校核 21
5.3轴承的选择、设计及寿命校核 23
5.3.1轴承选择 23
5.3.2确定轴承的径向载荷R1和R2 23
5.3.3确定轴承的轴向载荷A1、A2 24
5.4主轴临界转速计算 25
5.4.1计算阶梯轴的当量直径 25
5.4.2临界转速 26
第六章 翻倒架的设计计算 27
6.1一些固定件的质量、质心计算 27
6.2翻倒架的强度计算 29
6.3右轴的结构设计与强度计算 31
6.3.1右轴结构设计 31
6.3.2右轴的受力分析 31
6.3.3右轴的静强度安全系数校核 32
6.3.4右轴的校核及所选轴承的校核 33
6.4键的校核 36
第七章刹车的结构设计与强度计算 37
7.1制动系统的选择 37
7.2带式制动器的强度校核 37
7.2.1摩擦面的比压校核 37
7.2.2钢带拉伸应力的校核 38
第八章 翻倒传动部分的设计与计算 39
8.1活塞杆的计算 39
8.1.1确定d值 39
8.3.2纵向弯曲轴向应力的计算 39
8.3.3活塞杆的强度计算 41
总结 42
参考文献 43
感谢 44

转鼓直径:       600mm
工作转速:       1200r/min
物料密度:       1.0510kg/m
启动时间:       60~120s
固液比:         1:1

  • 毕业设计-Φ600机械翻倒卸料离心机离合器结构设计
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