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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:建筑化工
  • 适用专业:工程管理
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehai
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:254.66KB
  • 上传时间:2012-8-5 23:38:32
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:0

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全


Abstract: As a matter of fact, the competition of quality, cost and the time limitation are the competition of construction market and the essence of building the production management is the control process of schedule, quality and investment in the construction production cycle. Under the exceptional intense competition situation of the present construction market, the construction enterprises must have a leading position in quality and cost if they want to survive and develop. So, the development of quality and cost management is very important which could ensure the engineering quality and improve the economic benefit. Firstly, I would highlight the analysis and research of the current situation for domestic and international quality cost and the quality cost management. It also analyzes the structure of construction project quality cost and management features from the establishment of project quality cost management system, adjusting accounts of project quality cost, analysis of project quality cost and source of the cost. All of above are the general analysis to the project quality cost management activities. Moreover, I will expatiate on quality cost management responsibility of enterprise’s key sectors and deeply demonstration and analysis the relationships of time, quality and the cost control in the construction period. This paper would analyze the project quality management based on the application of construction experience which emphasizes the closely combination of theory and practice. It not only discusses the quality and cost management, but also uses the example of “MING GE YUAN” analyze the plan with actual quality cost. It would outline the problems of construction quality project cost management and give some relative advices.
Key words: cost control; quality control; project management

目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
1.1 选题背景 2
1.1.1 国内建筑工程成本和质量控制现状 2
1.1.2 国外建筑工程成本和质量控制现状 3
1.2 研究内容和方法 4
1.2.1 研究内容 4
1.2.2 研究方法 4
2 质量和成本综述 4
2.1 质量控制 5
2.1.1 建筑施工项目质量的概念 5
2.1.2 工程项目质量控制 5
2.1.3 工程项目质量控制的原理 6
2.1.4 工程项目质量控制方法 7
2.2 成本控制 8
2.2.1 建筑工程成本控制概述 8
2.2.2 成本控制的原理 9
2.2.3 工程项目成本费用及成本的分类 10
2.2.4 工程项目成本控制原则 11
2.2.5 成本控制的技术方法 13
3 建筑项目中质量和成本之间的关系 14
3.1 建筑项目中质量和成本的统一性 14
3.2 建筑项目中质量和成本的对立性 15
3.3 建筑项目中质量和成本的主次性 15
4 质量控制与成本控制的协调性分析 15
4.1 质量目标与成本目标之间的关系 15
4.2 质量与成本的目标协调 16
4.2.1 协调的作用与原则 16
4.2.2 质量目标与成本目标的协调 17
5 质量控制与成本控制协调措施 17
5.1 合同关系的协调管理 18
5.2 组织界面的协调管理 19
5.3 技术层次面的协调管理 23
5.4 法律层面的协调管理 24
6 案例分析 24
6.1 建设工程概况 24
6.2 “明阁苑住宅楼”工程施工成本计划 27
6.2.1 明阁苑项目前期施工报表统计 29
6.2.2 明阁苑项目前期施工偏差分析 30
6.2.3 明阁苑住宅楼项目施工成本出现偏差的原因分析 39
6.3 成本控制和质量控制协调机理的应用 41
6.4 结论 43
7 结语 43
参考文献 44
致谢 45
  • 毕业论文-建筑工程项目中质量和成本协调性研究
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