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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:计算机
  • 适用专业:计算机系统结构
  • 适用年级:研究生
  • 上传用户:欧阳修女
  • 文件格式:nh
  • 文件大小:5.36MB
  • 上传时间:2012-2-18 23:33:02
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:2

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全


【摘要】 随着我国经济的蓬勃发展,工业刷子的需求量开始处于供不应求的状态。卷刷机是制造工业刷子的主要设备,在国内的发展比较迟缓,卷刷机制造工艺不成熟,生产出来的工业刷子质量不理想。因此对其技术的研究一直是业界研究的热点与难点。卷刷机生产线分为前台送料和后台焊接两部分。单片机和可编程控制器是离散控制系统的两种常用实现方式。本文使用离散控制技术,对处于关键环节的后台焊接部分进行了设计和实现。本文所做工作如下:1.对单片机控制技术进行了深入分析和研究,根据后台焊接部分的自动化控制要求,选择了适合本系统的51系列单片机,分析了开关类型输入装置的特点,设计出限位开关、光电开关以及磁性开关的输入电路。同时对继电器类型的输出装置进行了分析和研究,设计出适合本系统的继电器输出电路。本文使用8051单片机对卷刷机进行了自动化设计,并深入分析了设计方案的优缺点。2.本文对可编程控制器、可编程控制器的直流输入、交流输入、可编程控制器的晶体管输出、继电器输出以及相应输入/输出类型内部电路进行了深入分析和研究,在此基础上结合卷刷机控制要求,用三菱FX1S-30MR可编程控制器对系统的每个控制要求以及系统安全进行了梯形图设计和实现,同时设计了电磁阀气路连接系统以及配电柜内部走线。为了更好地进行实时监测和人机交互,设计出COOLMAY触摸屏组态画面。经过反复模拟实验和现场调试,使用FX1S-30MR可编程控制器实现了卷刷机后台焊接部分的自动化控制,该系统运行稳定、可靠,并成功投入生产。
【Abstract】 With the rapid economic development, the industrial brushes have being short supply in China. The canroy machine is used to produce the industrial brushes. The canroy machine has slowly developed in China. Because of production processes immature of the canroy machine, the quality of the industrial brushes is not satisfactory. So the studies of this technology are a focus in the industry.The product line of the canroy machine is composed of feeding material ahead and jointing in the back. The discrete control system can be accomplished by both SCM(single chip micyoco) and PLC (programmable logic controller). This paper analyzes the jointing in the back, which is a pivotal step, with discrete control. And the following works have been mainly done in the process of designing and researching.1. With analyzing the technology of SCM, the control system has been designed by 51 SCM according to the control requirements of the jointing. The switch is one of the input devices. After analyzing its characteristic, we have worked out the input circuit of limit switch, photoelectric switch and magnetic switch. Meanwhile, the relay is one of the output devices. After analyzing its characteristic, we have worked out the corresponding output circuit. The canroy machine has been designed by 8051 SCM, and this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the design scheme.2. We have researched and analyzed the PLC, the DC input, AC input, transistor output, relay output of PLC and the corresponding internal circuit. According to the control requirements, every function in the control system and system security have been accomplished by Mitsubishi FX1S-30MR PLC, at the same time, the solenoid valve gas connection system and the power distribution cabinet have been designed. The COOLMAY configuration screen has been worked out to real-time monitoring and human-computer interaction. Large of experiments on the new products in the laboratory have been done, and the new products have been put through a preliminary test in the factory. All the automatic control requirements of the canroy machine have been accomplished by FX1S-30MR PLC. The stable and reliable control system has been used to produce brushes.
【关键词】 离散控制; 单片机; PLC; 触摸屏; 卷刷机;
【Key words】 Discrete control; SCM; PLC; Touch-Screen; Canroy machine;

  • 硕士论文-离散控制技术在卷刷机上的应用研究与实现
    • nh离散控制技术在卷刷机上的应用研究与实现.nh  [6.05MB]
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