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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:计算机
  • 适用专业:计算机技术
  • 适用年级:研究生
  • 上传用户:wyf010987
  • 文件格式:nh
  • 文件大小:4.88MB
  • 上传时间:2012-2-12 23:28:32
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:12

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

【摘要】 智能化小区通过采用智能终端系统,为住户提供了一种更加安全、舒适、方便、快捷和开放的智能化、信息化生活空间。这种系统提供了住户与来访者之间的视频通话功能;减少了住户的接待时间,并起到了监控作用,减少了安全隐患。国内虽然起步较晚,但近年来也十分重视这方面的研究和应用。任何一种产业的发展都要有适当的技术来支持,本文提出将网络浏览器与视频对讲结合在一起的设计思想。它使用现今流行的ARM9平台和Linux操作系统,并通过小区互联网将智能终端设备联网来实现所有功能,使得智能终端具有成本低,安装维护容易,软件功能扩展能力强,用户使用方便的优点。浏览器使住户可以很容易连接小区服务器进行信息获取,如水电气费用查询等功能;基于数字网络传输的视频对讲可使用户方便的与访客互通,并控制电子门的开关。提出在智能终端加入UDP监听模块并向指定终端传输特殊的UDP命令数据包以解决智能终端的呼叫请求,接听视频电话,发送开门或拒绝命令,并将操作选择状况直观地提示给用户,并引导用户进行相关操作。这种方法有着占用带宽小,传输快,降低了编码复杂度的优点。经测试,系统运行稳定,浏览器能够获取指定信息,视频对讲流畅,达到了设计目的。
【Abstract】 With the development of social information process, the people are not only concern about room area, natual environment and traffic situation around living community and so on, but also put more interest and attention on the aspect of outside communitcation, information service,security guard,estate management. This system provides the visual talk-back capability between the tenement and the caller, reduces the receive time and monitor circumambience. Recently, the design and implementation of intelligent building terminal system is attaching importance.This paper brings forward the design idea to hang together the web browser and visual talk-back. It uses fashionable ARM9 platform and Linux operate system, and use the network which joins the intelligent terminal devices to implement all the function, which is in use this system has many advantages such as convenience in function extension, not expensive, easy to install, and convenience of maintaining. The browser makes the user much easy to get the information from server, as the demand of water and electricity charge; the video talk-back which based on web is more convenient for the communication of the tenement and the caller, and can control the switch of the electron door.Puts forward the point to add UDP monitor module in intelligent terminal and transmit special UDP command datagram, it can deal with intelligent terminal call request, receive video call, send open door or refuse commend, show the choose status to the user and induct the correlative operation. This measure has the advantage of low bandwidth, fast transmission, depress coding complexity.By our test, this system runs stably, the browser can capture special information and the video talk-back works fluent.
【关键词】 智能小区; 视频对讲; 浏览器; Linux; ARM9; 系统整合;
【Key words】 Intelligent building; video talk-back; browser; Linux; ARM9; system conformity;
  • 硕士论文-基于嵌入式Linux平台的智能小区终端系统设计与实现
    • nh基于嵌入式Linux平台的智能小区终端系统设计与实现.nh  [5.38MB]
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