您现在正在浏览:首页 > 论文 > 电子电工 > 毕业设计-基于zigBee无线网络的温度测量系统设计


  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:电子电工
  • 适用专业:无线网络
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:zhanghao070507
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:1.20MB
  • 上传时间:2011-5-10 14:51:22
  • 下载次数:5
  • 浏览次数:216

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

关键词:无线传感器网络; ZigBee; CC2430;无线通信
A Wireless Sensor Network{WSN) is a network consisting of spatially distributedself-organizing devices. These devices use their sensors to monitor devices. Their sensors to monitor environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, pressure vibration, and so on. Decision is made after data acquisition and information processing. WSN were originally motivated by military applications, such as battlefield surveillance. In addition areas, including environment monitoring, home automation, and traffc control. WSNs become one of the hottest research directions of computer science now days.
This article briefly introduced the development of ZigBee technology and the
specification of it, also the characteristics of the CC2430 chip on which the ZigBee technology can be implemented. Beside, This design can be a temperature data acquisition, processing, sending, receiving, display and upload the data to the PC, the whole system is divided into two parts: temperature measurement node and the data concentrator, that is ZigBee end device andZigBee coordinator. Temperature measurement node and the data concentrator consists of a CC2430 radio module and a number of sections dry composition, temperature measurement node completes collection, processing and distribution of temperature data , data concentrators complete data reception and upload the processed data to PC. Temperature data collection is completed by the CC2430 chip-chip temperature sensor , and the data is processed by integrated ADC and 8051MCU of the CC2430 chip, the data sending and receiving is completed by the non-equilibrium antenna.LCD1602 display data, and the data concentrator will upload processed temperature data to PC through RS232.And it give a sample application example on how to realize a distributed temperature measure task, including power consumption management, configuration of the wireless network, using the on-chip temperature sensor to detect the environment temperature, the way the temperature data is send from child-device, and the receiving of temperature. data on the coordinate side, and the way the data is up-loaded to a PC, on which the data is further display.
Key words: ZigBee;802.1 S.4;CC2430;wireless communication
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
目 录 IV
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 ZigBee技术背景介绍 1
1.2 ZigBee技术应用前景 2
1.3毕业论文任务目标 2
第二章ZigBee技术简介 3
2.1 ZigBee的基本概念 3
2.1.1目前现有的几种网络标准比较 3
2.1.2 ZigBee与842.15.4 4
2.1.3 ZigBee频带、数据传输率及信道 4
2.I.4 ZigBee的设备类型 5
2.2 ZigBee网络拓扑结构 5
2.2.1星型拓扑结构网络 5
2.2.2树簇型网络 6
2.2.3网状(MESH)网络 6
2.3 ZigBee标准规范 7
2.3.1原语概念 7
2.3.2 PHY层任务 7
2.3.3 MAC层的主要任务 7
2.3.4信标、超帧及其结构 8
2.4 ZigBee通信可靠性保证 9
2.4.1通信可靠机制 9
2.4.2 ZigBee网络的自组织性和自愈能力 9
2.5 ZigBee技术优势 10
2.6 ZigBee应用条件及应用场合 10
2.6.1 ZigBee的应用条件 10
2.6.2 ZigBee的主要应用场合 10
第三章 ZigBee收发器CC2430简介 12
3.1 CC2430结构与特点 12
3.1.1 CC2430结构 12
3.1.2 CC2430芯片的主要特点如下: 12
3.2 CC2430内部一些重要单元模块 13
3.2.1电压调节器(Voltage Regulators ) 13
3.2.2调试仿真接口 13
3.2.3 SLEEP TIMER 14
3.2.4 CC2430存储器结构 14
3.2.5 CC2430的电源管理 15
第四章 系统硬件设计 16
4.1系统总体硬件设计 16
4.2温度测量节点的功耗估算 18
4.3 CC2430芯片的硬件接口设计 19
4.4通信电路设计 22
4.5液晶显示器接口电路设计 23
第五章 系统软件设计 26
5.1 系统总体软件设计 26
5.2 CC2430模块软件设计 27
5.3 通信模块设计 29
5.3.1 从节点使用片内温度传感器检测环境温度 29
5.3.2 从节点温度数据的发送 30
5.3.3 主节点对温度数据的接收和上传PC机 31
5.4 液晶显示模块设计 32
5.4.1 LCD1602控制器指令说明 32
5.4.2 1602LCD的RAM地址映射及标准字库表 34
5.4.3 程序设计 35
结论 41
参考文献 42
致谢及声明 43
  • 毕业设计-基于zigBee无线网络的温度测量系统设计
    • Microsoft Word文档毕业设计-基于zigBee无线网络的温度测量系统设计.doc  [1.52MB]
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