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  • 资源分类:电子电工
  • 适用专业:传感器
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毕业论文-基于CC2420 的无线传感器网络的设计,共76页,33497字
几年来,IEEE 802.11 无线局域网络的普及以及 IEEE 802.16 无线宽带网络的商业
现。目前,基于 IEEE 802.15.4 协议的无线传感器网络,开始成为被广泛讨论和
IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee 技术是近年来通信领域中的研究热点,具有低成本、
本课题通过采用 ATmega128L 单片机和无线收发模块 CC2420 搭建了一个无
线传感器网络。CC2420 是挪威 Chipcon 公司推出的一款符合 IEEE 802.15.4 标准
ATmega128L 微处理器是 ATMEL 公司生产的 RISC 结构的 8 位单片机。本文首
先简单介绍无线传感器网络,接着介绍 ATmega128L 单片机和 CC2420 射频芯片
的性能特点及控制方式,然后阐述了 2 个节点间无线通信的实现过程及调试方
关键词:无线传感器网络;IEEE 802.15.4 标准;ZigBee;ATmega128L;CC2420
With the quick growth of the wireless network technology, there are many
network services which exist originally trending to mature gradually. In recent years,
the popularization of IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN and IEEE 802.16 Wireless
Broadband Network, all make the wireless network technology become more and
more important, there are many relative technologies and products appeared. At
present, the wireless sensor networks based on the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol, has
become a topic which is discussed and researched widely.
In recent years, the technology of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee is popular in the
communication areas. The technology is not only with the features of Lo-cost,
low-power, low rate and low-complexity, but also with the dominances of
high-reliability, easy to establish network and high-flexibility. And it is treated as the
international standard of the wireless sensor network.
This topic through used the MCU (ATmega128L) and wireless receiving and
sending module (CC2420) to built a wireless sensor network.CC2420 is a receiving
and sending chip which Norwegian Chipcon Corporation promotes conforms to the
IEEE 802.15.4 standard, only need the very few periphery part to constitute a wireless
communication system with MCU. The ATmega128L microprocessor is 8 monolithic
integrated circuits with RISC structure which ATMEL Corporation produces. This
paper firstly introduced that the wireless sensor network simply, then introduced the
ATmega128L monolithic integrated circuit and the CC2420 radio frequency chip’s
performance characteristic and the control mode, then elaborated during 2 nodes the
wireless communication realizes the process and the debug method, finally adds on
the self-definition network protocol to construction star network based on this. The
test result indicated that this kind of sensor network’s cost is low, the work is stable,
and it could use in some small duties.
Keywords: Wireless sensor networks; IEEE802.15.4 standard; ZigBee; ATmega128L;CC2420

目 录
绪论  ........1
1.1 课题背景以及现状   .......1
1.1.1 课题背景  1
1.1.2 无线传感器网络的应用现状以及存在的问题 ................1
1.2 无线传感器网络特点   ...2
1.2.1 无线传感器网络体系结构 .................2
1.2.2 无线传感器节点体系结构 .................3
1.2.3 无线传感器网络的特点 .....................3
1.3 课题提出和主要目标   ...4
1.4 论文结构   ......4
第二章 IEEE802.15.4/ZIGBEE .......................5
2.1 IEEE 802.15.4/ZIGBEE 协议架构 ..............5
2.2 IEEE 802.15.4/ZIGBEE 帧结构 ..................6
2.3 IEEE 802.15.4/ZIGBEE 主要技术特点 ......7
第三章 系统总体设计  .........8
3.1 硬件总体设计   ...............8
3.2 软件总体设计   ...............9
第四章 硬件电路设计  .......11
4.1 处理器模块   ................11
4.1.1 AVR 单片机简介   ..11
4.1.2 ATmega128 单片机  ..........................11
4.1.3 ATmega128 与 PC 的 USART 接口  12
4.1.4 ATmega128 单片机使用注意事项  ..13
4.2 通信模块   ...14
4.2.1 芯片主要性能特点 ...........................15
4.2.2 CC2420 内部结构   15
4.2.3 CC2420 外围电路   16
4.2.4 处理器接口  ...........17
4.2.5 CC2420 内部寄存器  ........................18
4.2.6 RAM 区的读写   ....20
4.3 传感器模块   ................20
4.3.1 数字温度传感器 DS18B20 简介 .....21
4.3.2 DS18B20 内部结构 ..........................21
4.3.3 DS18B20 使用中注意事项 ..............23
4.4 供电模块   ...24
第五章 星形网络拓扑实现 ...........................25
5.1 星形网络简介   .............25
5.2 星形网络实现   .............25
5.2.1 节点硬件实现  .......25
5.2.2 节点软件实现  .......25
5.3 基本帧结构   30
第六章 上位机网络管理软件设计 ...............34
6.1 串口编程   ....34
6.1.1 MSComm 控件处理通讯方式  .........34
6.1.2 MSComm 控件属性  .........................34
6.1.3 MSComm 控件的使用  .....................34
6.2 数据库编程   36
6.2.1 数据库的设计  .......36
6.2.2 数据库的访问技术 ...........................37
6.3 网络管理软件设计   .....41
6.3.1 软件功能介绍  ......41
6.3.2 与无线传感网络主节点通信帧格式 ............42
第七章 系统测试  ...............44
7.1 两个节点通信测试   .....44
7.2 三个节点组网测试   .....44
7.3 问题与解决办法   .........47
第八章 总结与展望  ...........48
致谢  ........49
参考文献  50
附录一 CC2420 模块原理图  ........................52
附录二 系统原理图  ...........53
附录三 系统 PCB 图   .........54
附录四 实物图  ..55
附录五 英文翻译  ...............56

  • 毕业论文-基于CC2420 的无线传感器网络的设计
    • Microsoft Word文档毕业论文-基于CC2420 的无线传感器网络的设计.doc  [2.59MB]
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