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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:电子电工
  • 适用专业:单片机
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:Lq_automatic
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:298.85KB
  • 上传时间:2011-3-10 20:36:04
  • 下载次数:1
  • 浏览次数:216

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全


关键词: 单片机 燃油叫热炉 温度控制
With the continuous development of science and technology, as a good low-end microcontroller superior characteristics of the controller is already deeply rooted among the microcontroller with an integrated high, fast-fast operation, small size, reliable operation, value low, so the process control, data acquisition , electromechanical integration, intelligent instruments, appliances and network technology, etc. are widely used, this article introduces the MCU in the furnace temperature control applications.
In industrial production, there are many industries a large number of heating equipment, such as for heat treatment furnace for melting the metal crucible furnace, and a variety of different uses of the furnace, reactor, so that the temperature has become an industrial object have been an important monitoring and control objects, but because of the stove types, use of different and, therefore, using the heating method and fuel is different, such as coal gas, natural gas, oil, electricity and so on, but their real control of the system itself in terms of the dynamic characteristics of basically a first-order pure delay link. Practice has proved that for the industrial production of furnace temperature control, computer control system with high precision, strong function, economy and good characteristics, in terms of improving product quality or the number of products, energy conservation, or improving working conditions, etc. have shown incomparable superiority.
Key words:The monolithic integrated circuit, Fuel oil is called the hot stove, Temperature control

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1题目背景及目的 1
1.2单片机在加热炉的应用概况 1
1.3对燃油加热炉温度控制系统的要求 2
2 系统的方案设计 3
2.1 MCS-51单片机简介及系统最小系统设计 3
2.1.1 组成框图及内部总体结构 3
2.1.2 寄存器和存储器 4
2.1.3 单片机各口及其负载能力、接口要求 5
2.1.4 MCS—51单片机的引脚功能 7
2.1.5 对单片机最小系统的设计 10
2.2 温度测量方案的论证与设计 11
2.2.1 温度传感器的作用 11
2.2.2 常用的温度传感器类型 11
2.2.3 对温度传感器的选择 13
2.2.4热电偶温度传感器详解 13
2.2.5对温度测量电路的设计 17
2.3 对油压的检测与调节 17
2.4 对电源电路的设计 17
2.4.1对电源的设计要求 17
2.4.2 电源的设计原理 18
2.5显示电路的设计 19
2.5.1 液晶电路的硬件设计 19
2.5.2 1602 的指令集 20
2.6 Proteus仿真22
2.6.1 PROTEUS简介22
2.6.2 PROTEUS的特点22
2.6.3 PROTEUS在本系统中的应用22
3 系统程序设计 25
3.1模糊控制概述 25
3.2模糊控制在本系统中的应用 25
结 论 28
参 考 文 献 29
致谢 30

  • 毕业论文-基于单片机的燃油炉温度控制系统设计
    • Microsoft Word文档毕业论文-基于单片机的燃油炉温度控制系统设计.doc  [438.00KB]
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