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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计制造及自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:glnm
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:130.26KB
  • 上传时间:2011-3-22 21:43:26
  • 下载次数:252
  • 浏览次数:563

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

摘要: 随着我国经济的高速发展,城市化进程速度不断加快,人民生活水平不断提高,固体废物,特别是城市生活垃圾的产生量不断增加,对环境造成的污染日益严重,成为阻碍我国经济可持续发展的障碍之一,引起了全社会的关注。固体废物的处理处置问题,已成为政府有关部门、环境保护和环境卫生管理单位、设计部门、科研院所、大专院校和产业界等所密切关心的热点,并迫切需要了解国内外有效的固体废物管理经验和先进适用的无害化、减量化和资源化技术 ,城市生活垃圾是随着城市的出现而产生的如何妥善解决城市垃圾处理问题,为城乡居民创造一个清洁、健康的生存和工作环境,已成为我们关注的问题。分类环保埋入式垃圾箱装置的研制是我们设计的即简便有节约能源的垃圾箱举升装置。它不仅带来了经济效益也解决市民对垃圾问题的捆扰。
Along with the our country economic of high speed development, the city turns the progress speed continuously speed, people life the level raises continuously, the solid discard, especially the city lives the amount of creation of the garbage to increase continuously, to the pollution that environment result in increasingly serious, become baffling our country the economy can keep on one of the obstacle of the development, causing whole society of concern.The processing of the solid discard handles the problem, having become the government department concerned, environmental protection and environmental hygienes to manage the unit, the design section, the research hospital, the university and college and the industry field etc. close concern of a little bit hot, and need to understand the domestic and international valid solid discard to manage experience and what forerunner applies urgently harmless turn, reduce the quantity to turn and the recycling technique, the city life garbage is along with the emergence of the city but output how appropriate resolve the city garbage processing problem, for the city country the residents create 1 to sweep, healthy existence and work environments, have become the problem that we pay attention to.Categorize the environmental protection to cover up into the type garbage box equip of research to manufacture is we design namely simple to economize the energy of the garbage box raise to rise the device.It not only brings the economic performance but also resolves the citizenry to tie~up the 扰 to the garbage problem.
  • 地埋式环保垃圾箱装置的研制
    • Microsoft Word文档地埋式环保垃圾箱装置的研制.doc  [297.00KB]
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