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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:模具设计与制造
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:269156214
  • 文件格式:word+AutoCAD
  • 文件大小:1.29MB
  • 上传时间:2011-3-1 19:52:50
  • 下载次数:15
  • 浏览次数:451

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

1. 防护罩注塑零件的工艺分析;
2. 防护罩注塑模具设计,绘出模具装配图;
3. 模具主要零件设计,并绘零件图;
4. 写出设计说明书;
5. 译文;
1. 零件要求:主要尺寸的尺寸精度为3级,次要尺寸尺寸精度为4级,其他尺寸为8级;
2. 设计图纸:装配图1张,零件图5张;
3. 说明书8000~10000字左右;
Shields mold design and manufacture
English Abstract
With modern industrial development needs in the plastics industry, agriculture and daily life, and other fields of application become wider, and more high-quality requirements. Plastic products in the production of high-quality die design, advanced mold manufacturing equipment and reasonable processing, high-quality materials and modern mould forming equipment are forming an important condition for high quality plastics.
Especially in recent years, with the rapid development of the plastics industry, and GM and engineering plastics in areas such as strength and accuracy of the continuous enhancement of the scope of the application of plastic products is growing, such as: household appliances, instrumentation, construction equipment, automotive industry , the daily hardware, and many other fields, the proportion of plastic products is rapidly increasing. A rational design of plastic parts can often replace more than traditional metal pieces. Industrial products and plastic products daily and the trend is rising. In the industrial production and various press installed in the press and on the special instruments, through pressure on the metal or non-metallic materials produced by the need to shape parts or products, such special instruments collectively die.
Die in the national economy in the occupied status is increasingly significant, it can be said of human clothing, food, housing, transportation, not with one hand Chideikai die. Die those in the machinery, automotive, electronics, telecommunications, household appliances, and other industrial products based process equipment, high-tech products are. As basic industries, the quality of molds, precision, life on other industrial development plays an important role in the international community as "the mother of industry." With the rapid development of China's national economy, as the basis of industrial tooling industry, has also been vigorous development of the national economy has become an important industry in the building. Tooling industry in the national economy not only occupy an important position in the world market is also unique. World Die overall market demand, the market demand in the 600 to 65 billion US dollars. Today, the development of mould industry has exceeded even the emerging electronics industry.
Die by manufacturing the product category, can be divided into plastic molds (also divided into injection mold, pressure die casting and blow mould
), stamping dies, die casting, rubber molds and mold, and other glass. Among them, especially injection molds and stamping die-use, technological maturity, which hold the majority. This paper shields to prevent the mold design for example, discussed in detail the process of plastic, ABS plastics processing parameters, cavity and core structural forms Die Design, mode-choice principles, and strive to do with reality and theory reflect the advanced level both at home and abroad.
Key words: plastic characteristics of core and cavity structure, die structure, the standard mold base
目 录
第一章 塑料成型工艺-----4
1. 1 塑件的成型工艺分析---4
1. 2 ABS塑料的材料特性----4
1. 3 ABS塑料的成型特性----5
1. 4 ABS塑料的成型工艺参数5
第二章 设计方案及参数的确定----7
2. 1 注射机的选用---------7
2. 2 型腔数目和分布-------8
2. 3 选择分型面9
第三章 模具的结构设计--10
3. 1 确定型腔和型芯的结构形式-----10
3. 2 浇注系统设计--------12
3. 3 机构的设计----------16
3. 4 注射模标准模架的设计21
3. 5 注射模排气系统的设计25
第四章 注射模的设计结果参数--27
  • 毕业设计-防护罩模具注塑设计
    • 工程图
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件动模板.dwg  [93.42KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件型心.dwg  [47.09KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件型心固定板.dwg  [57.84KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件复位杆.dwg  [36.47KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件防护罩的塑料模具装配图.dwg  [142.28KB]
    • Microsoft Word文档任务书.doc  [31.00KB]
    • Microsoft Word文档防尘塑料帽的模具设计与制造.doc  [1.30MB]
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