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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:汽车交通
  • 适用专业:汽车设计
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:yearn_g
  • 文件格式:pdf
  • 文件大小:504.11KB
  • 上传时间:2009-2-12 2:39:18
  • 下载次数:3
  • 浏览次数:272

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毕业设计 WH2040转向驱动桥设计说明书
摘 要 本文主要设计的是WH2040型汽车转向驱动桥。近年来,四轮驱动汽车开始迅速普及,WH2040这样一款越野车同样采用的是四轮驱动。该车的前轮既要满足转向的要求,又要满足驱动的要求。因此,为该车前轮设计转向驱动桥是很有必要的。要满足这两项要求,该车桥的半轴分为内外两半,通过万向节连接,实现等角速传动转矩。而主销也分为上下两段以满足转向的要求。本文主要对转向驱动桥各部件进行设计、计算、校核,同时绘出了转向驱动桥的装配图,外半轴、转向节外壳、主减速器的主、从动齿轮的零件图。本次设计过程丰富了我的知识,使我对汽车零部件的设计有了一个更深层次的了解。
关键词:转向驱动桥 底盘 主减速器
Abstract This article mainly describes steering driving axle of the All-terrain vehicle WH2040. In recent years, the four-wheel drive automobile started rapidly to popularize. WH2040, this kind of all-terrain vehicle uses a four-wheel drive. The front wheel of this vehicle not only must satisfiedly steering request, but also must satisfy the actuation the request. Therefore, it is vital to design changes driving axle for this vehicle front wheel. The shaft divides into two parts, which are inside one and outside one. The joint connects the two parts to satisfy the constant angular velocity driving torque. And the pin also divides into two part ,to satisfy the request of steering. This article mainly design the various parts of the steering driving axle, such as designing, the computation, the examination. The process of this design has enriched my knowledge, and enabled me a deeper understanding of the design of automobile components and parts. Key words: steering driving axle ,chassis ,main gear box
  • 毕业设计-WH2040转向驱动桥设计说明书.
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