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  • 资源分类:文化课
  • 适用专业:大学英语 3
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:palpa
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  • 上传时间:2009-6-2 22:31:57
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大连理工大学网络教育学院2009年3月份《大学英语 3》课程考试模拟题一
Part I Vocabulary & Structure(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)
Section A
Directions: Choose the ONE that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in the sentence.
1. He claimed that he could create live fish out of chemicals.
A.asserted B.demanded
C.argued D.announced
2. The best students are awarded special scholarship.
A.rewarded B.given
C.compensated D.refused
3. She said to her newly-married husband, “If you want to go to the front, I’ll not stand in your way.”
A.go with you B.stay behind
C.go my own way D.not prevent you from going
大连理工大学网络教育学院2009年3月份《大学英语 3》课程考试模拟题二
Part I Vocabulary & Structure(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)
Section A
Directions: Choose the ONE that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in the sentence.
1. Living on an isolated farm, they do not see anybody for weeks on end.
A.in the end B.continuously
C.off and on D.endlessly
2. I was at a complete loss as to how I could help him out without hurting his pride.
A.at a price much lower than the original coat B.quite useless
C.rather uncertain D.quite unprepared
3. With a school record like yours I’m puzzled why you didn’t try for a university scholarship?
A.I’m shocked B.I’m amazed
C.I feel confused D.I feel pity
  • 大连理工大学网络教育学院2009年3月份《大学英语 3》课程考试模拟试卷(2份,有答案)
    • 模拟试卷-大学英语3
      • Microsoft Word文档大工《大学英语3》模拟试卷A.doc  [81.00KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档大工《大学英语3》模拟试卷A答案.doc  [33.00KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档大工《大学英语3》模拟试卷B.doc  [83.00KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档大工《大学英语3》模拟试卷B答案.doc  [34.00KB]
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