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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:电子电工
  • 适用专业:单片机
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:5302377
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:894.86KB
  • 上传时间:2009-5-26 23:41:58
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毕业设计 多用户集中数字电度表 共44页,22819字
摘 要
In accordance with the present situation of the main electricity measurement problems existing in the field where many power users are living together, such as residential area or student’s apartment, a kind of multi-user electronic energy meter has been designed in this article. This electronic energy meter can detect the active amount of electricity of many users. Besides its wide measuring range, high precision, and low power, it can measure different electricity for each user in different time section which will improve the running efficiency of the electric net by adjusting the unbalance station of power consumption. Based on this meter, the automatic meter reading system adopts the low voltage power line to carry data. At first, this paper summarizes the developing history and the present state of energy meter and automatic meter reading system, and introduces the basic theory of energy measurement. As an important part, the principle of ∑-Δ analog-to-digital conversion has been analyzed. Then, the circuits of this energy meter’s hardware are illustrated in this paper, such as DC power supply, energy measurement circuit, extended memory circuit, real-time clock, extended display and keyboard circuit, and decoder circuit, etc. The digital electricity meter based on chip microcomputer AT89C52.Which can reorganize and count the massive data and with big of anti-interference. On the software, the realization of the main program and the subprograms such as energy pulse acquisition, multi-rate measurement, max-power demand measurement, data dynamic display, and keyboard scanning, are introduced with some flow charts. Generally, the study on this topic will improve the electric energy measurement and management to a high level, and it is worthy of generalization.
Key Words:Electronic Energy Meter; Multi-user; Single-chip microcompute
目 录
第一章 前 言 1
第二章 电能测量原理 2
2.1电子式电能表的测量原理 2
2.1.1模拟乘法器的测量原理 2
2.1.2 数字乘法器的测量原理 5
2.2 ∑-ΔA/D转换器的原理 7
2.2.1 ∑-ΔA/D转换器的调制转换原理 7
2.2.2 经∑-Δ调制的连续波的∑-Δ码的获取 10
2.2.3 ∑-ΔA/D转换的非线性误差分析 13
第三章 多用户集中数字电度表的设计 15
3.1 系统硬件设计 15
3.1.1 电源电路 17
3.1.2 电能测量电路 18
3.1.3 数据处理系统 24
3.1.4 通信接口 28
第四章系统软件设计 31
4.1 电能脉冲采集 32
4.2动态显示和键盘扫描 34
第五章 抗干扰技术 36
5.1硬件抗干扰技术 36
5.1.1电源的抗干扰设计 36
5.1.2屏蔽 36
5.1.3隔离与耦合 36
5.1.4接地 36
5.1.5印刷电路板的设计 37
5.2软件抗干扰设计 38
第六章 结 论 39
参 考 文 献 40
致 谢 41
附 录 数据处理单元原理图 42
  • 毕业设计-多用户集中数字电度表
    • Microsoft Word文档多用户集中数字电度表.doc  [1.40MB]
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