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  • 资源类别:试卷
  • 资源分类:汽车交通
  • 适用专业:船舶值班与避碰
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:1196051890
  • 文件格式:swf
  • 文件大小:616.48KB
  • 上传时间:2022/10/3 8:33:14
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:0

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

Part one: Choose the best answer to each question: (60%)l when ship at anchor she shall be deemed to be_.
A.not underway B.not under command C.restricted in her ability to maneuver D. a non-displacement ship
2 which vessel is a restricted in her ability to maneuver under the rules?
A. a vessel mine-clearing B. a vessel engaged in fishing C. a vessel at anchorD. a vessel not under command
3.vessels shall be deemed to be in sight one another only when one___from the other.
A.can be observed by radar B.can be observed visually C. can be located on the radar D.can beheard
4. the term length of a vessel in international regulations for preventing collision at sea 1972 means_.A. the length between perpendiculars B. the registered length C.the length overall D.the length ofwaterplane on summer draft
5. which statement applies to a vessel constrained by her draft?.
Part one: Choose the best answer to each question: (60%)
1. your vessel is underway when____(1) the anchor is dragging. (2) the anchor is used in docking.A. ( 1 ) only B.(2) only C.both ( 1 ) and (2)D. neither (1) or (2)
2. what is a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver?
A.a vessel not under command B.a vessel constrained by her draught C.a vessel underway in fogD.a vessel towing unable to deviate from her course
3. when visibility is restricted___we can say it is restricted visibility.
A.by long distance B.by the darkness at night C. by a vessel in front D.by fog or fallingsnow
4. the term power-driven vessel means__.
A. some vessel propelled by machinery B.any vessel propelled by machinery or under sailC. any vessel propelled by machinery D. some vessel propelled by machinery
5. a vessel is engaged in fishing when__.
A. her gear extends more than 100 meters from the vesselB. she is using any type of gear, other than lines
C. she is using fishing apparatus which restricts her maneuverabilityD. she has any fishing gear on board
  • 重庆交通大学航海技术专业船舶值班与避碰试题集(共含有3套试题,带答案)
    • 试题3英
      • Shockwave Flash动画,用Adobe Flash Player播放A卷答案.swf  [87.23KB]
      • Shockwave Flash动画,用Adobe Flash Player播放B卷答案.swf  [87.23KB]
      • Shockwave Flash动画,用Adobe Flash Player播放C卷答案.swf  [86.88KB]
      • Shockwave Flash动画,用Adobe Flash Player播放试卷A.swf  [118.04KB]
      • Shockwave Flash动画,用Adobe Flash Player播放试卷B.swf  [121.33KB]
      • Shockwave Flash动画,用Adobe Flash Player播放试卷C.swf  [118.70KB]
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