您现在正在浏览:首页 > 论文 > 机械机电 > 毕业设计-小型液压压力机液压系统设计―液压缸


  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:冶金过程检测与控制
  • 适用年级:高职
  • 上传用户:Yzex楊姃
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:177.72KB
  • 上传时间:2016-3-15 1:18:55
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:24

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

[摘 要]液压传动,又称液压技术,使机械设备中发展速度最快的技术之一,特别是近年来,随着机电一体化技术的发展,与微电子、计算机技术相结合,液压传动进入了一个新的发展阶段。本文以机械与液压传动知识的基础,对小型液压机的设计原理进行了详尽的介绍,其中重点介绍了该系统极其执行元件液压缸的设计过程,本系统的要求就是满足普通用户的使用要求,使之更加经济的来加工工件。在此系统中,首先进行液压系统基本工作压力的确定,选定合适的工作压力,从而计算出执行元件的一些基本尺寸,液压系统的基本参数,确定出合适的系统,设计出系统原理图,根据原理图选择液压阀类元件,在手册中找出它们的一些参数,并根据这些参数进行系统验算。
[关键词] 液压 泵站 液压传动

The Ddsign Of Minntype Hydraulic Pressrue(Hydraulic Cylinder)
AbstractOn the base of an analysis of the project given,the main work,which designs compact hydraulics pressure system , is that the system can work in the whole working circle including quick blank line , slow pressing , quick returning and stopping . Then according to the demanding , we can calculate the data by given , check and adjust in order to establish the hydraulics pressure . According to the requirement of the hydraulics system working , we can design a pumping station . It request us to regard the theonries that we have leamed as the foundation , such as the postulate of hydraulic power , the structure of hydraulic elements , the prunciple of operation and the fundamental circuit (including typical tool’ hydraulics) etc . Otherwise , we should pay attention to investigations and utilize predecessor’ experience .
Keyword : hydraulics pumping station hydraulic power
With the development of the society, great changes have taken place in the realm of machine elements,changing fron the jumbo to the mini-type ,its not suitable to process mini-type accessories with large-scale hydraulic plants,so, I haue a design of this equipment to come meet of thede conditions when the belocity di not high and the pewssure is not grsat .
  • 毕业设计-小型液压压力机液压系统设计―液压缸
    • 小型液压压力机液压系统设
      • Microsoft Word文档机械论文.doc  [416.50KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件毕业设计.dwg  [94.63KB]
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