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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:建筑化工
  • 适用专业:岩土工程勘察
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:蒂亚星星
  • 文件格式:word+autocad
  • 文件大小:450.40KB
  • 上传时间:2014-3-14 22:32:02
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:0

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

摘 要

The design is a virtual landslide on the slope design based on all aspects of engineering data collected. The landslide is a natural phenomenon, which refers to the soil or rock on the slopes slides down along the slope overall or scattered by river erosion, groundwater movement, earthquakes and artificial cut slope factors, under the action of gravity, along the plane of weakness or weak zone. Harnessing of landslide cannot rely on a single processing method, generally after slowing down the slope, sub-steps to uninstall, sliding the retaining wall retaining, comprehensive drainage and management to achieve the landslide success of governance.
A geotechnical engineering investigation is first carried out in the design, and its purpose is to analyze and judge the landslide engineering geology and hydrogeology conditions, etc. Followed by slope stability analysis and evaluation, including: the slope stability analysis purposes and methods, slope stability calculation method, the remaining thrust calculation and the treatment landslide suggestions. Then puting forward some treatment landslide suggestion.
The main part of the design is slope management program design. According to the governance proposal of the second chapter, there are two options available to run the program: program of an anchor cable reinforcement design and program two anti-slide pile design. Through a series of comprehensive comparison, the final selection of slope reinforcement design is anti-slide pile reinforcement scheme for slope reinforcement. Finally, the slope of drainage design and the slope greening (protection) and landscape design are carried out.
Finally, the construction of organizational design is conducted. Including the construction organization, labor organization and progress indicators, machinery and equipment configuration, security environmental protection measures, quality management agencies, security agencies and assurance system, environmental protection and water conservation measures, as well as civilized construction measures.
Keywords: Geotechnical engineering investigation; Slope stability analysis; Anchor reinforcement design; Anti-side pile

目 录
第一章 岩土工程勘察 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 勘察目的 1
1.3 勘察工程布置 1
1.4 工程地质及水文地质条件 2
1.4.1 地形地貌 2
1.4.2 地层岩性 2
1.4.3 地质构造 6
1.4.4 地震效应 6
1.4.5 水文地质条件 6
第二章 边坡稳定性分析及评价 9
2.1 边坡稳定性分析目的与方法 9
2.1.1 边坡稳定性分析的目的 9
2.1.2 边坡稳定性分析方法 9
2.2 边坡稳定性计算方法 9
2.2.1 边坡失稳模式(滑动面的确定) 9
2.2.2 稳定性计算公式 10
2.2.3 计算采用岩土体物理力学计算参数 11
2.2.4 计算结果 12
2.3 剩余滑坡推力计算 12
2.4 治理建议 12
第三章 边坡治理方案设计 13
3.1 方案一:锚索加固设计 13
3.1.1 1#滑坡锚索加固设计 13
3.1.2 1#滑坡外锚结构设计 18
3.1.3 1#滑坡梁的截面设计 18
3.1.4 2#滑坡锚索加固设计 19
3.1.5 2#滑坡外锚结构设计 22
3.1.6 2#滑坡梁的截面设计 22
3.2 方案二:抗滑桩设计 24
3.2.1 抗滑桩设计计算 25
3.2.2 1#滑坡的桩的设计 25
3.2.3 2#滑坡的桩的设计 28
3.3 方案比选 32
3.3.1 锚索方案预算 32
3.3.2 抗滑桩方案预算 35
3.3.3 方案比较 39
3.4 边坡防排水设计 39
3.4.1 地表排水工程设计 39
3.4.2 地下排水工程设计 40
3.5 边坡绿化(防护)与景观设计 40
第四章 施工组织设计 40
4.1 施工组织方案 40
4.1.1 施工中稳定滑坡的措施 40
4.1.2 桩身开挖的准备工作 40
4.1.3 桩孔开挖 40
4.1.4 井壁塌方处理 40
4.1.5 灌注抗滑桩身砼 41
4.2 劳动力组织及进度指标 41
4.3 机械设备配置 41
4.4 安全环保措施 41
4.5 质量管理机构 41
4.5.1 质量保证体系 42
4.5.2 质量保证措施 42
4.6 安全管理机构及保证体系 42
4.7 环境保护和水土保持措施 42
4.7.1 防止水、大气及粉尘污染 42
4.7.2 施工环境保护措施 44
4.8 文明施工措施 44
第五章 总 结 46
参考文献 47
致 谢 48
  • 毕业设计-和谐路滑坡治理施工设计滑坡设计
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